An Elixir client for Message DB.
The package can be installed by adding ex_message_db
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ex_message_db, "~> 0.1.0"}
ExMessageDB is an OTP Application and have to be configured by setting the parameters of the
repo, so that it can connect to the database at start.
# config/config.exs
config :ex_message_db, ExMessageDB.Repo,
database: "message_store",
username: "message_store",
hostname: "localhost"
The ExMessageDB
module provides the methods to access the currently supported server functions.
- write_message
- get_stream_messages (partially)
- get_category_messages (partially)
- get_last_stream_message
- stream_version
- id
- cardinal_id
- category
- is_category
- acquire_lock
- hash_64
- message_store_version
# write messages to stream "account-1"
iex> message1 = %{
id: "5e731bdc-07aa-430a-8aae-543b45dd7235",
stream_name: "account-1",
type: "Created",
data: %{name: "New Account"}
iex> ExMessageDB.write_message(message1)
{:ok, 0}
iex> message2 = %{
id: "904ae0d1-8239-4ded-8c34-7bb7f7caefe3",
stream_name: "account-1",
type: "EmailAdded"
data: %{email: ""},
iex> ExMessageDB.write_message(message1)
{:ok, 1}
# get last message from stream "account-1"
iex> ExMessageDB.get_last_stream_message("account-1")
message: %ExMessageDB.Message{
data: %{"email" => ""},
global_position: 2,
id: "904ae0d1-8239-4ded-8c34-7bb7f7caefe3",
metadata: nil,
position: 1,
stream_name: "account-1",
time: ~N[2020-06-14 22:39:59.979582],
type: "EmailAdded"
# get messages from stream "account-1"
iex> ExMessageDB.get_stream_messages("account-1")
message: %ExMessageDB.Message{
data: %{"name" => "New Account"},
global_position: 1,
id: "5e731bdc-07aa-430a-8aae-543b45dd7235",
metadata: nil,
position: 0,
stream_name: "account-1",
time: ~N[2020-06-14 22:29:47.186470],
type: "Created"
message: %ExMessageDB.Message{
data: %{"email" => ""},
global_position: 2,
id: "904ae0d1-8239-4ded-8c34-7bb7f7caefe3",
metadata: nil,
position: 1,
stream_name: "account-1",
time: ~N[2020-06-14 22:39:59.979582],
type: "EmailAdded"
The documentation can be found at hexdocs.
Copyright (c) 2020 Jose Miguel Rivero Bruno
The source code is licensed under The MIT License (MIT)