go 1.18
docker 20.10.17
bash 4.4.20(1)-release
gnu-make 4.1
git 2.17.1
sqlite 3.22.0
Application that exposes a simple API with the following features
Manage user accounts creating an account by using username
and password
read it by using a API Bearer token.
Manage books wishlist under user account and by using an API Bearer token
Manage Books from Books Wishlist, this is just a representation of books items in Google Books API.
This is a tool that finds books in Google Books API with the terms documented in requirements
// _id: the user identifier, is used to find user in database records
// NOTE: does not need to provide it, the system will assign it automatically
"_id": "string(match:uuid.v4)",
// spec: groups the user account specifications
"spec": {
// username: the username that the user want to use to identify with the sigin process
"username": "string(maxlength:100)",
// password: the password that the user want to use to be identified with the signin process
"password": "string"
Endpoint | Method | Requirements | Description |
/v0/users |
<none> | Creates user account |
/v0/users/{user} |
Bearer token header | Read own user account |
: is the user id (_id
) assigned by the system in the user account creation
Example Request
curl --location --silent --show-error \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${API_TOKEN}" \
--request GET \
--url ${API_HOST}/v0/users/${user}
// spec: groups the user account authentication requirements
"spec": {
// username: the username the user used on user account creation
"username": "string(maxlength:100)",
// password: the password the user used on user account creation
"password": "string"
// _id: unique identifier for token in database records
"_id": "string(match:uuid.v4)",
// meta: groups the metadata information about the entity
"meta": {
// user: is the user unique identifier assignated on user account creation
"user": "string(match:uuid.v4)"
// spec: groups the entity specifications
"spec": {
// token: bearer token required in protected endpoints
"token": "string(length:120)"
Endpoint | Method | Requirements | Description |
/v0/signin |
<none> | Creates user bearer token |
Example Request
curl --location --silent --show-error \
--request POST \
--url ${API_HOST}/v0/signin \
--data-raw '{
"spec": {
"username": "${API_USERNAME}",
"password": "${API_PASSWORD}"
// _id: wishlist unique identifier asigned automatically by the system
"_id": "string(match:uuid.v4)",
// meta: groups the metadata information about the entity
"meta": {
// user: is the user unique identifier assignated on user account creation
"user": "string(match:uuid.v4)"
// spec: groups the entity specifications
"spec": {
// name: a friendly name to identify wishlist
"name": "string(maxlength:100)",
// description: a short description to describe the wishlist target
"description": "string"
Endpoint | Method | Requirements | Description |
/v0/users/{user}/wishlists |
Bearer token header | Creates user books wishlist |
/v0/users/{user}/wishlists |
Bearer token header | List user books wishlists |
/v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist} |
Bearer token header | Describe user wishlist identified with user and list id |
/v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist} |
Bearer token header | Deletes an already existent book wishlist |
Path Params
: user unique identifierwishlist
: wishlist unique identifier (this is automaticaly generated)
Example Request
curl --location --silent --show-error \
--request POST \
--url ${API_HOST}/v0/users/${user}/wishlists \
--data-raw '{
"spec": {
"name": "My Books Wishlist",
"description": "A books wishlist that I love to read"
// meta: groups the metadata information about the entity
"meta": {
// gid: Google Book ID that references the information about the book
"gid": "string(match:googlebookid)"
NOTE: With
the API will request book information from Google Books API
// _id: book unique identifier asigned automatically by the system
"_id": "string(match:uuid.v4)",
// meta: groups the metadata information about the entity
"meta": {
// user: user unique identifier
"user": "string(match:uuid.v4)",
// wishlist: wishlist unique identifier
"wishlist": "string(match:uuid.v4)",
// gid: Google Book Identifier
"gid": "string(match:googlebookid)"
// spec: groups the entity specifications
"spec": {
// title: book title
"title": "string",
// authors: book authors list
"authors": [
// publisher: book publisher
"publisher": "string"
Endpoint | Method | Requirements | Description |
/v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}/books |
Bearer token header | Creates wishlist book |
/v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}/books |
Bearer token header | List wishlist books |
/v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}/books/{book} |
Bearer token header | Describes wishlist book |
/v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}/books/{book} |
Bearer token header | Delete wishlist book |
Path Params
: user unique identifierwishlist
: wishlist unique identifierbook
: book unique identifier (this is automatically generated)
Example Request
curl --location --silent --show-error \
--request POST \
--url ${API_HOST}/v0/users/${user}/wishlists/${wishlist}/books \
--data-raw '{
"meta": {
"gid": "6klRAAAACAAJ"
// items: list of books results from the search request
"items": [
// _id: book unique identifier asigned automatically by the system
"_id": "string(match:uuid.v4)",
// meta: groups the metadata information about the entity
"meta": {
// gid: Google Book Identifier
"gid": "string(match:googlebookid)"
// spec: groups the entity specifications
"spec": {
// title: book title
"title": "string",
// authors: book authors list
"authors": [
// publisher: book publisher
"publisher": "string"
Endpoint | Method | Requirements | Description |
/v0/search |
Bearer token header | Search a book in the Google Books API |
Query String Params
Param | Type | Description |
q |
string |
A general search instruction, this can contains title, author, publisher mixed in the request |
title |
string |
Filter to find books only from specificed title |
author |
string |
Filter to find books only from specificed author |
publisher |
string |
Filter to find books only from specificed publisher |
Example Request
curl --location --silent --show-error \
--request GET \
--url ${API_HOST}/v0/search?q=la+caza+de+nimrod&author=Charles+Sheffield&publisher=Editorial+CLIE
The repository have an specific way to build and with this in mind it requires a specific route to be cloned.
- In your
directory create the following directorymkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src/io.ml.challenges
- Move to created directory
cd ${GOPATH}/src/io.ml.challenges
- Clone repository inside the directory created in the directory created in step above
git clone git@github.com:jorgealbertojc/io.ml.challenges.books-wishlist.git
To build application by hand only execute the following commands
cd ${GOPATH}/src/io.ml.challenges/io.ml.challenges.books-wishlist && \
docker build --tag ${YOUR_REPOSITORY_NAME}:${YOUR_TAG_ID} --file $(pwd)/Dockerfile .
The Makefile is prepared to build the application and store it inside docker image jus by executing the following command:
cd ${GOPATH}/src/io.ml.challenges/io.ml.challenges.books-wishlist \
&& make docker-build
After the make recipe finished a docker image is built and ready to be launched
First thing is to create a configuration file, this configuration file requires to contains the information to manage the information that will be interpreted by the daemon compiled in the building section "Building".
- Creates a file with name
, a directory can be used to separate configuration from another things likeconfigurations/config.yml
:mkdir -p configurations && \ touch configurations/config.yml
- Add the following contents to
:--- # app: groups the app configuration app: # configversion: the configuration file version configversion: "1.0" # service: groups the information about service exposed port and host service: # port: is the port where the service will be exposed port: 80 # host: the host where the service will be exposed host: "" # database: groups the database configuration database: # type: represents the type of database (by this moment just sqlite3 is supported) type: "sqlite3" # filepath: for sqlite3 this is the default path to the database file filepath: "/var/local/mlbwlistd/database.db" # gsuite: groups the google suite configuration gsuite: api: "https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes"
NOTE: the Google Books API does not requires a token nor authentication
The project have a default configuration filepath after docker image is built, the configuration requires to be stored in the docker image in the following path:
So, to run the docker image with the correct arguments needs to mount a volume where the config.yml is stored, just run the following command:
docker run \
-p 8084:80 \
-v /path/to/directory/where/configyml/is/stored:/etc/mlbwlistd/configs:ro \
After run you'll se something like:
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [POST] /v0/users
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [GET] /v0/users/{user}
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [POST] /v0/signin
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [POST] /v0/users/{user}/wishlists
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [GET] /v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [GET] /v0/users/{user}/wishlists
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [DELETE] /v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [POST] /v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}/books
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [GET] /v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}/books
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [GET] /v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}/books/{book}
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [DELETE] /v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}/books/{book}
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [GET] /v0/search
finally make a request over any of the documented API endpoints to see how it works !