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A challenge to be evaluated by Mercado Libre team. This Challenge contains a simple books wish-list using Google Books API.

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0 .- Requirements

  • go 1.18
  • docker 20.10.17
  • bash 4.4.20(1)-release
  • gnu-make 4.1
  • git 2.17.1
  • sqlite 3.22.0

1 .- IntroducciĂłn

Application that exposes a simple API with the following features

1.1 .- Users

Manage user accounts creating an account by using username and password and read it by using a API Bearer token.

1.2 .- Books Wishlists

Manage books wishlist under user account and by using an API Bearer token

1.3 .- Books

Manage Books from Books Wishlist, this is just a representation of books items in Google Books API.

1.4 .- Search

This is a tool that finds books in Google Books API with the terms documented in requirements

2 .- Available Endpoints

2.1 .- Users

2.1.1 .- Model

    // _id: the user identifier, is used to find user in database records
    // NOTE: does not need to provide it, the system will assign it automatically
    "_id": "string(match:uuid.v4)",
    // spec: groups the user account specifications
    "spec": {
        // username: the username that the user want to use to identify with the sigin process
        "username": "string(maxlength:100)",
        // password: the password that the user want to use to be identified with the signin process
        "password": "string"

2.1.2 .- Endpoints

Endpoint Method Requirements Description
/v0/users POST <none> Creates user account
/v0/users/{user} GET Bearer token header Read own user account

Path Params

  • user: is the user id (_id) assigned by the system in the user account creation

Example Request

curl --location --silent --show-error \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer ${API_TOKEN}" \
    --request GET \
    --url ${API_HOST}/v0/users/${user}

2.2 .- Signin

2.2.1 .- Model


    // spec: groups the user account authentication requirements
    "spec": {
        // username: the username the user used on user account creation
        "username": "string(maxlength:100)",
        // password: the password the user used on user account creation
        "password": "string"


    // _id: unique identifier for token in database records
    "_id": "string(match:uuid.v4)",
    // meta: groups the metadata information about the entity
    "meta": {
        // user: is the user unique identifier assignated on user account creation
        "user": "string(match:uuid.v4)"
    // spec: groups the entity specifications
    "spec": {
        // token: bearer token required in protected endpoints
        "token": "string(length:120)"

2.2.2 .- Endpoints

Endpoint Method Requirements Description
/v0/signin POST <none> Creates user bearer token

Example Request

curl --location --silent --show-error \
    --request POST \
    --url ${API_HOST}/v0/signin \
    --data-raw '{
        "spec": {
            "username": "${API_USERNAME}",
            "password": "${API_PASSWORD}"

2.3 .- Books Wishlist

2.3.1 .- Model

    // _id: wishlist unique identifier asigned automatically by the system
    "_id": "string(match:uuid.v4)",
    // meta: groups the metadata information about the entity
    "meta": {
        // user: is the user unique identifier assignated on user account creation
        "user": "string(match:uuid.v4)"
    // spec: groups the entity specifications
    "spec": {
        // name: a friendly name to identify wishlist
        "name": "string(maxlength:100)",
        // description: a short description to describe the wishlist target
        "description": "string"

2.3.2 .- Endpoints

Endpoint Method Requirements Description
/v0/users/{user}/wishlists POST Bearer token header Creates user books wishlist
/v0/users/{user}/wishlists GET Bearer token header List user books wishlists
/v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist} GET Bearer token header Describe user wishlist identified with user and list id
/v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist} DELETE Bearer token header Deletes an already existent book wishlist

Path Params

  • user: user unique identifier
  • wishlist: wishlist unique identifier (this is automaticaly generated)

Example Request

curl --location --silent --show-error \
    --request POST \
    --url ${API_HOST}/v0/users/${user}/wishlists \
    --data-raw '{
        "spec": {
            "name": "My Books Wishlist",
            "description": "A books wishlist that I love to read"

2.4 .- Books

2.4.1 .- Model


    // meta: groups the metadata information about the entity
    "meta": {
        // gid: Google Book ID that references the information about the book
        "gid": "string(match:googlebookid)"

NOTE: With meta.gid the API will request book information from Google Books API


    // _id: book unique identifier asigned automatically by the system
    "_id": "string(match:uuid.v4)",
    // meta: groups the metadata information about the entity
    "meta": {
        // user: user unique identifier
        "user": "string(match:uuid.v4)",
        // wishlist: wishlist unique identifier
        "wishlist": "string(match:uuid.v4)",
        // gid: Google Book Identifier
        "gid": "string(match:googlebookid)"
    // spec: groups the entity specifications
    "spec": {
        // title: book title
        "title": "string",
        // authors: book authors list
        "authors": [
        // publisher: book publisher
        "publisher": "string"

2.4.2 .- Endpoints

Endpoint Method Requirements Description
/v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}/books POST Bearer token header Creates wishlist book
/v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}/books GET Bearer token header List wishlist books
/v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}/books/{book} GET Bearer token header Describes wishlist book
/v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}/books/{book} DELETE Bearer token header Delete wishlist book

Path Params

  • user: user unique identifier
  • wishlist: wishlist unique identifier
  • book: book unique identifier (this is automatically generated)

Example Request

curl --location --silent --show-error \
    --request POST \
    --url ${API_HOST}/v0/users/${user}/wishlists/${wishlist}/books \
    --data-raw '{
        "meta": {
            "gid": "6klRAAAACAAJ"

2.5 .- Search

2.5.1 .- Model


    // items: list of books results from the search request
    "items": [
            // _id: book unique identifier asigned automatically by the system
            "_id": "string(match:uuid.v4)",
            // meta: groups the metadata information about the entity
            "meta": {
                // gid: Google Book Identifier
                "gid": "string(match:googlebookid)"
            // spec: groups the entity specifications
            "spec": {
                // title: book title
                "title": "string",
                // authors: book authors list
                "authors": [
                // publisher: book publisher
                "publisher": "string"

2.5.2 .- Endpoints

Endpoint Method Requirements Description
/v0/search GET Bearer token header Search a book in the Google Books API

Query String Params

Param Type Description
q string A general search instruction, this can contains title, author, publisher mixed in the request
title string Filter to find books only from specificed title
author string Filter to find books only from specificed author
publisher string Filter to find books only from specificed publisher

Example Request

curl --location --silent --show-error \
    --request GET \
    --url ${API_HOST}/v0/search?q=la+caza+de+nimrod&author=Charles+Sheffield&publisher=Editorial+CLIE

3 .- How to Build

3.1 .- Clonning

The repository have an specific way to build and with this in mind it requires a specific route to be cloned.

  1. In your ${GOPATH} directory create the following directory
    mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src/
  2. Move to created directory
    cd ${GOPATH}/src/
  3. Clone repository inside the directory created in the directory created in step above
    git clone

3.2 .- Building

3.2.1 .- By Hand with Dockerfile

To build application by hand only execute the following commands

cd ${GOPATH}/src/ && \
docker build --tag ${YOUR_REPOSITORY_NAME}:${YOUR_TAG_ID} --file $(pwd)/Dockerfile .

3.2.2 .- With Makefile

The Makefile is prepared to build the application and store it inside docker image jus by executing the following command:

cd ${GOPATH}/src/ \
&& make docker-build

After the make recipe finished a docker image is built and ready to be launched

4 .- How to Run

4.1 .- Configuration

First thing is to create a configuration file, this configuration file requires to contains the information to manage the information that will be interpreted by the daemon compiled in the building section "Building".

  1. Creates a file with name config.yml, a directory can be used to separate configuration from another things like configurations/config.yml:
    mkdir -p configurations && \
    touch configurations/config.yml
  2. Add the following contents to configurations/config.yml:
    # app: groups the app configuration
        # configversion: the configuration file version
        configversion: "1.0"
        # service: groups the information about service exposed port and host
            # port: is the port where the service will be exposed
            port: 80
            # host: the host where the service will be exposed
            host: ""
    # database: groups the database configuration
        # type: represents the type of database (by this moment just sqlite3 is supported)
        type: "sqlite3"
        # filepath: for sqlite3 this is the default path to the database file
        filepath: "/var/local/mlbwlistd/database.db"
    # gsuite: groups the google suite configuration
        api: ""

NOTE: the Google Books API does not requires a token nor authentication

4.2 .- Execution

The project have a default configuration filepath after docker image is built, the configuration requires to be stored in the docker image in the following path:


So, to run the docker image with the correct arguments needs to mount a volume where the config.yml is stored, just run the following command:

docker run \
    -p 8084:80 \
    -v /path/to/directory/where/configyml/is/stored:/etc/mlbwlistd/configs:ro \

After run you'll se something like:

[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [POST] /v0/users
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [GET] /v0/users/{user}
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [POST] /v0/signin
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [POST] /v0/users/{user}/wishlists
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [GET] /v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [GET] /v0/users/{user}/wishlists
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [DELETE] /v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [POST] /v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}/books
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [GET] /v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}/books
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [GET] /v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}/books/{book}
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [DELETE] /v0/users/{user}/wishlists/{wishlist}/books/{book}
[ INFO ] :: Exposing server endpoint [GET] /v0/search

finally make a request over any of the documented API endpoints to see how it works !


A challenge to be evaluated by Mercado Libre team. This Challenge contains a simple books wish-list using Google Books API.





