Source code sample on NestJs, Mongoose and deployment on AWS with Serverless Framework. Use DocumentDB, Secrets, KMS, Api Gateway, VPC and Cognito.
- Node: 14.17.0
- npm: 6.14.6
- NestJS: 8.0.0
- yarn: 1.22.5
- Serverless Framework: 2.69.0
To test with databases on AWS, create a Mongo compatible DocumentDB cluster and assign it connection parameters like Secrets Manager secrets. The secret's mandatory keys must be the following: uri
Eventually, secrets can be encrypted with Key Management Service, this setup is transparent to source code and nothing needs to be added.
In the event that the connection to the database is with SSL, add the following lines of code in the createMongooseOptions function from the src/config/database/database-config.service.ts file. The AWS public key is provided in the source code.
async createMongooseOptions(): Promise<MongooseModuleOptions> {
let conn: MongooseModuleOptions = {
uri: await this.getUri(),
authMechanism: 'SCRAM-SHA-1',
ssl: true,
sslValidate: false,
sslCA: 'rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem',
return conn;
To test locally looking at the database in AWS, define the following environment variables and settings according to type database to test:
VAR_KEY_KMS=KMS ARN with which the Secret is encrypted
VAR_COGNITO=Cognito userpool ARN
VAR_AWS_REGION=AWS account region
VAR_SG=VPC security group
VAR_SUBNET1=VPC private subnet 1
VAR_SUBNET2=VPC private subnet 2