Isometric Puzzle Game built with C++ and OpenGL
run chicken.exe to start the program
world_init.cpp (called in world_syste.cpp to generate objects):
- createExplorer - creating player (main character)
- createTile - creating tiles (main space for character to move)
- createTileShadow - creating the shadows under the tiles for parallax effect (moves slower/faster when nearer/further from the player)
- createFire - creating fire (main character will pick up and have interaction with different object)
- createObject - creating objects (objects will block main character to move and have interaction with fire)
- step - Update our game world
- restart_game - Reset the world state to its initial state
- on_key - WASD keys for player movement
- player_move - call by on_key for handling movement of player
- fire_move - call by player_move if player is with fire
- UpdatePlayerCoordinates - update player coordinate after player move
- checkForTile - check whether tile state is valid
- Interact - for interation with object and fire
- SetSprite - setting direction player is facing
- initTileCreation - creating tiles objects
- searchForTile - get next tile in the direction of movement
- UpdateParallax - updates items that have parallax behavior
- RenderSystem::createProjectionMatrix function - modified to allow the camera to follow the user
- PhysicsSystem::oscillate - Oscillate objects will have a offset of a certain amount which varies based on time
grace day remarks: Is it possible to carry over our granted graceday to future milestones? One of our groupmates drop the course so we were granted for 3 extra grace days from discussion with Alla.