Additional GWT widgets with showcase
This is a regular maven project,
just type mvn clean package
- Build with maven
- Deploy to tomcat/etc
- access http://yourHost:yourPort/warFileName (as main html page is index.html, no need to specify it )
CodeSnippet snippet = new CodeSnippet(SnippetsBundle.BUNDLE.snippet2().getText()) // basic usage : only source code text is provided.
//By default dark theme is used for syntax highlight;
CodeSnippet snippet = new CodeSnippet(SnippetsBundle.BUNDLE.snippet1().getText(), SnippetsBundle.BUNDLE.darkCss()) // specify source code text and css
.withSnippetName("Code Listing in Dark Scheme with line numbers and copy button #1") //specify code snippet title if necessary
.withLineNumbersEnabled(true) // configure line numbers support
.withCodeCopyButtonEnabled(true) // display 'copy to clipboard' button
// specify another syntax highlight theme via css
CodeSnippet snippet = new CodeSnippet(SnippetsBundle.BUNDLE.snippet2().getText(), SnippetsBundle.BUNDLE.lightCss())
.withSnippetName("Code Listing Light Scheme #2")));
CheckBox cb = new CheckBox("This is Option #1"); // basic usage
CheckBox cb2 = new CheckBox("This is Option #2")
.withChecked(true) // specify if it's checked already
.withEnabled(false); // disabled checkbox
cb.addValueChangeHandler(event -> Window.alert("Clicked: " + event.getValue())); // add handler
CheckBox cb3 = new CheckBox(CheckBoxBundle.BUNDLE.rectangledCheckboxCss(), "This is Option #3"); // specify other css
VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel();
RadioGroup radioGroup = new RadioGroup(); // create group
// Or specify other css for the radio group:
// RadioGroup radioGroup = new RadioGroup(RadioButtonBundle.BUNDLE.rectangledRadioButtonCss());
Arrays.asList("Milk", "Chocolate", "Meat", "Bread")
.map(label -> radioGroup.createButton(label, true)) //basic usage
.forEach(radioButton -> vp.add(radioButton));
radioGroup.addValueChangeHandler(event -> Window.alert("Selected: " + event.getValue())); // add handler
// create chart
BarChart barChart = new BarChart("Average Number of Students per Specialization");
// render data:
barChart.render(asList(new BarModel(88, "2012"),
new BarModel(98, "2013"),
new BarModel(85, "2014"),
new BarModel(77.5, "2015"),
new BarModel(64.4, "2016"),
new BarModel(55, "2017")));
// Or specify other css :
// BarChart barChart = new BarChart("Total Income", BarChartBundle.BUNDLE.cssDiff());
ValueChangeHandler<BarModel> handler = event -> new Notification("Selected: " + event.getValue())
barChart.addValueChangeHandler(handler); // add bar click handler
Calendar calendar = new Calendar(); // basic usage. Also accepts css as constructor param
calendar.addValueChangeHandler(event -> Window.alert("Selected: " + event.getValue())); // add handler
// basic usage. Creates notification panel with message, can be added to other panels
Notification notification = new Notification("This is warning")
// Shows notification in a popup
Notification notification2 = new Notification("INFO message")
.withPopupCloseButtonVisibility(true) //show or not 'close' button
.withPopupCloseOnBackgroundClick(true) // if true - popup can be closed via background click
TocPanel tocPanel = new TocPanel(); // basic usage. Also accepts css as constructor param
TocPanel tocPanel2 = new TocPanel()
.withLayout(Layout.VERTICAL) // toc panel with vertical layout. Horizontal is default one
.withHeaderNumbersEnabled(true); // enable header numbers in toc/content (false by default)
//adding single widget
tocPanel.addWidget("History", new Label("Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google"));
//adding multiple widgets
tocPanel.addWidgets("History", Arrays.asList(
new Label("Label1"),
new Label("Label2"),
new Label("Label3"),
new FlowPanel(),
new VerticalPanel()