A small library to make it easier to create Facebook Like buttons and track clicks on them. This library is released under the MIT license. Check out the demo.
var likeCallback = function(response){ // Callback will be invoked when user presses 'Like'
// Parameters are: URL to like, settings, callback, appId, channel file URL
var fbl = LikeButton.create('http://www.facebook.com', {}, likeCallback, YOUR_APP_ID, PATH_TO_CHANNEL_FILE);
// Parameters are: URL to like, settings, callback, appId, channel file URL
var fbl = LikeButton.create('http://www.facebook.com');
Note: available settings are hasFaces (boolean
), hasSendButton (boolean
), layout (one of standard
, button_count
, box_count
), verb (like
or recommend
) and width (number