Use HttpClient
via IHttpClientFactory
in a .NET Core console app without implementing IHostedService
If you're looking for the C# version, go here.
Not that there's anything wrong with IHostedService
, but sometimes you just want a plain old console app without
having to implement another interface just so that you can inject and use IHttpClientFactory
By using the new HostApplicationBuilder
pattern (encapsulated in the ConsoleHost
class), there is much less
ceremony involved with setting up the Generic Host HostBuilder
so that you can inject IHttpClientFactory
into your classes. Beyond that, you merely create an IServiceScope
to make everything work:
// Set up the generic host and DI.
let builder = ConsoleHost.createApplicationBuilder argv
use host = builder.Build()
use serviceScope = host.Services.CreateScope()
let services = serviceScope.ServiceProvider
// Run the test service method.
let testSvc = services.GetRequiredService<TestService>()
let html = testSvc.GetMicrosoftAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.RunSynchronously
let substringLength = if html.Length > 1_000 then 1_000 else html.Length
printfn $"{html.Substring(0, substringLength)}"
This code creates an IServiceScope
in main
, and then uses that to get our registered TestService
class, which returns the HTML of
as a string. We then display the first 1,000 characters.
The TestService
class looks like this:
type TestService (httpClientFactory : IHttpClientFactory) =
static let _logger = Log.Logger.ForContext<TestService>()
let _httpClient = httpClientFactory.CreateClient()
member this.GetMicrosoftAsync() =
task {
_logger.Information("Making HTTP request...")
use requestMsg = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, "")
use! responseMsg = _httpClient.SendAsync(requestMsg)
return! responseMsg.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()
And now you can use all of the newfangled IHttpClientFactory
in a (mostly) plain old console app!