A fun maze game for an arduino with an 8x8 display!
Game notes:
- You can progress through an arbitrary number of pre-defined levels
- You always start in the upper left and exit in the bottom right
- Levels are static and automatic code generation is used to build them into the source code
Hardware notes:
- uC is a knockoff Arduino nano that I got from Taipei
- Screen is an Adafruit Bicolor 8x8 matrix
- Buttons are randoms that I found in my drawer
- The game's C source code for arduinolevels.h
- All the data for the mazes are stored here. This file is included bybigmaze.ino
and autogenerated bymake_levels_h.py
- Generates levels.h using the level descriptions inlevels.py
- Contains raw level descriptions generated bywilsons.html
- Generates mazes using Wilson's algorithm. This file comes from Mike Bostock's fantastic demo and was gently modified to output the maze description as a string that can be pasted into a row oflevels.py