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Filtering Queries

Jonathan Gillespie edited this page May 30, 2017 · 4 revisions

Queries generated by SObject repositories can be filtered by creating instances of QueryFilter.cls - any query filters provided are used to generate the 'WHERE' clause in the dynamic SOQL & SOSL queries.

Nebula can filter queries at 3 levels, based on which QueryFilter constructor you use.

1. Basic Filter: Create a Method to Return Converted Leads for the Current User

Scenario: You have a lead repository (LeadRepository.cls) and you want to create a method that returns accounts owned by the current user. In SOQL, it would be

WHERE OwnerId = :UserInfo.getUserId()

QueryFilter Constructor to Use

public QueryFilter(Schema.SObjectField fieldToFilter, QueryOperator operator, Object value)

Creating Your Method with QueryFilter

public with sharing class AccountRepository extends SObjectRepository {
    public AccountRepository() {

    public List<Account> getMyAccounts() {
        return (List<Lead>)this.Query
            // Only include accounts owned by the current user
            .filterBy(new QueryFilter(Schema.Account.OwnerId, QueryOperator.EQUALS, UserInfo.getUserId()))


2. Parent Filter: Create a Method to Return Accounts Owned by Inactive Users

Scenario: You have an account repository (AccountRepository.cls) and you want to create a method that returns accounts that are owned by inactive users. In SOQL, it would be

WHERE Owner.IsActive = false

QueryFilter Constructor to Use

public QueryFilter(Schema.SObjectField parentRelationshipField, Schema.SObjectField fieldToFilter, QueryOperator operator, Object value)

Creating Your Method with QueryFilter

public with sharing class AccountRepository extends SObjectRepository {
    public AccountRepository() {

    public List<Account> getAccountsWithInactiveOwners() {
        return (List<Account>)this.Query
            // Only include accounts owned by users with a certain profile
            .filterBy(new QueryFilter(Schema.Account.OwnerId, Schema.User.IsActive, QueryOperator.EQUALS, false))


3. Grandparent Filter: Create a Method to Return Accounts Owned by Inactive Users

Scenario: You have an account repository (AccountRepository.cls) and you want to create a method that returns accounts owned by users with a certain profile called 'MyCustomProfile'. In SOQL, it would be

WHERE Owner.Profile.Name = 'MyCustomProfile'

QueryFilter Constructor to Use

public QueryFilter(List<Schema.SObjectField> sortedParentRelationshipFields, Schema.SObjectField fieldToFilter, QueryOperator operator, Object value)

Creating Your Method with QueryFilter

public with sharing class AccountRepository extends SObjectRepository {
    public AccountRepository() {

    public List<Account> getAccountsOwnedByMyCustomProfile() {
        // Nebula uses your provided list of fields to build the relationships between the objects
        List<Schema.SObjectField> grandparentFields = new List<Schema.SObjectField>{
            Schema.Account.OwnerId, Schema.User.ProfileId

        return (List<Account>)this.Query
            // Only include accounts owned by users with a certain profile
            .filterBy(new QueryFilter(grandparentFields, Schema.Profile.Name, QueryOperator.EQUALS, 'MyCustomProfile'))
