A tool for the curation of papers, and their associated notes. This will provide a means for notes about the papers to be easily stored, and for papers to be associated with each other.
- List papers (need to read/already read/discussion topics).
- Provide a means of grouping/tagging papers to form associations across paper types.
- Provide a place for notes to be linked with the papers.
- Allow for easy collection of bibtex entries for use in further citations.
usage: main.py [-h] [-s SECTION] [-p PAPERS] [-t TAGS] [-c] [-d] [-r] [-b]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SECTION, --section SECTION
Choose papers by section.
-p PAPERS, --papers PAPERS
Choose papers by paper title.
-t TAGS, --tags TAGS Choose papers by tag.
-c, --changed The papers that have changed.
-d, --download Downloads the particular papers selected.
-r, --read Shows the papers to read.
-b, --bibtex Shows the bibtex entry for the paper.
The format that the README should be in is dictated by the values listed in the
file. The defauls for such is listed here:
- '- \[(?P<read>[ x])\] \[(?P<title>[^\[\]]+)\]\((?P<notes_path>[\w\-/.]+)\) \[\[(?P<publisher>[^\[\]]+)\]\((?P<url>[^\(\)]+)\)\] {0,1}\[{0,1}(?P<tags>[^\\\n[\]]*)\]{0,1}'
- '- \[(?P<read>[ x])\] (?P<title>[^\[\]]+) \[\[(?P<publisher>[^\[\]]+)\]\((?P<url>[^\(\)]+)\)\] {0,1}\[{0,1}(?P<tags>[^\\\n[\]]*)\]{0,1}'
- '#### (?P<name>.+)'
paper_name: 0.7
If you have any suggestions over the features you would like to see in this tool, or find any bugs within the code, please submit an issue.