Flora is an app that identifies plants using ML and provides users with the care instructions for the plants.
- TypeScript
- Node.js
- Express
- Sequelize (using PostgreSQL)
- React Native (Expo)
- TypeScript
- Redux
- Axios
- Clone repo
git clone https://github.com/jonbrook/flora.git
cd flora
- Install dependencies
npm i && npm run install:subfolders
- Create environment variable files
Create .env files using the examples in both the frontend and backend
- Run database service
docker-compose up -d
- Run backend
cd server && npm start
- Run frontend
cd client && yarn start
- Seed the database
cd server && npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all
- Worked in a team of 2 to refactor the code base of the application and make improvements on its functionality
- Refactored the application to TypeScript
- Modularized the front end and added Redux to centralize the state management on the store
- Added modularity in the back end by spreading the logic of the DB and its models across different files and improved the design by adding associations to existing Sequelize tables
- Implemented unit tests on both front end back end of the application, fully mocking the api service and redux hooks, using Jest, React Testing Library and Supertest