The latest version can be downloaded from your browser's app store:
To test the extension you can:
- download the latest zip for your browser:
- unpack it somewhere on your computer,
- Go to chrome://extensions,
- Make sure you have Developer mode turned on (top right corner),
- Click Load unpacked,
- Select the folder where you unpacked the extension.
- then first thing is to go to the extension Options and select which components you want to use.
To use the latest browser extension from source code, you need to perform several steps to get the source code and build the extension.
- Get the source code
git clone
cd wikitree-browser-extension
- Install
See npm official documentation.
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Build the extension
For Chrome:
npm run build
For Firefox:
npm run build-firefox
- Load the extension
For Chrome:
- Go to chrome://extensions
- Make sure you have Developer mode turned on (top right corner)
- Click Load unpacked
- Select the
For Firefox:
- Go to about:debugging
- Click "This Firefox" on the left-hand side
- Click the "Load Temporary Add-on..." button
- Choose a file in the
For a full list of features, visit the WikiTree Browser Extension page on WikiTree.
If you would like to contribute, see
If you have an idea for a new feature, post in WikiTree G2G using the wt_apps
and improvements