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Emulator for the 1983 Camputers Lynx Microcomputer, written by Jonathan Markland.

Please refer to the readme.htm for installation instructions.

- Scroll down for pictures!

My wordpress blog

Camputers Lynx (Wikipedia)

Notes to programmers

  • Tag v1.0.8 is the most recent tested and released Windows version.
  • Tag v1.0.9 is the most recent tested and released Linux version.

v1.0.9 didn't build on Windows - I broke the build, sorry. Branch 'master' fixes this, but NO v1.0.9 changes have been regression-tested on Windows! When I get around to re-testing, I will apply a new version tag, but since it takes about 3-4 hours to run the manual test plan, I think I will leave this until I do further work on Jynx.

For Windows

The source code can be built using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.

For Linux/X86-32 or X86-64

The source code has been developed and built using g++ 4.8.2 on Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca. The Code::Blocks CBP file is provided for this configuration. Also tested on Elementary OS Freya. Since these are based on Ubuntu, I expect this binary should work on Ubuntu (untested).

For Linux/ARM (Raspberry PI 2)

The source code has been built using g++ 4.9 on Raspbian "Wheezy" edition, using:

make -f makefile_ARM

This requires:

sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev
sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev

A hack is required to obtain g++ from the "Jessie" edition:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9 g++-4.9
sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update


Lynx main screen:

Lynx main screen

Air Raid:

Air raid

Air raid instructions

Battle brick:

Battle brick

Lynx Invaders







Level 9's Dungeon Adventure

Dungeon Adventure

Jonathan's 'Deflektor' demo that never got finished into a game:

Jonathan's 'Deflektor' demo

Penrose demo:

Penrose demo

Penrose demo

Cytera's Planets demo. You can transfer Lynx BASIC text between your favourite editor and the emulator:

Cytera Planets Demo

Cytera Planets Demo

Cytera Planets Demo

I added a built-in disassembler:

Built-in disassembler

Just me doing some basic jamming:

Jonathan jamming

Jonathan jamming

Raspberry PI version of the software:

Raspberry PI image


Emulator for the 1983 Camputers Lynx 48K/96K Microcomputers







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