Given a word and a directory, find all files which are descendants of
the directory path and contain the word. Note that only exact words will
match, for example the search word Scala
will not match the line:
Written in Scala.
since it is broken down into the words: Written
, in
, Scala.
DGrep assumes that all files are UTF-8 encoded.
To build the program:
$ sbt assembly
This will produce a fat-jar in target/scala-2.11/dgrep.jar
To run the program from the root of the DGrep project:
$ java -jar target/scala-2.11/dgrep.jar Scala src/test/resources/wikipedia/prog/lang
This also shows an example output of the program.
To run the tests:
$ sbt test
To launch a virtual machine with Ubuntu 14.04 (requires that Vagrant and VirtualBox are installed on the host machine) and install all software required for running and testing DGrep:
host> vagrant up
# Then ssh into the vm
host> vagrant ssh
# Once inside the vm shell execute the install script
vm> sudo /vagrant/
The program supports the following options:
Suppress error messages printed to stderr.-L
Print only files not containing the search word.-n
List the line number and content of all matching lines.
This program is licensed under the Apache License, version 2. See the LICENSE file for details.
Certain test data is licensed under separate licenses as indicated in the README files at the root of each directory: