DotGraphNet is a small and simple library for creating simple graphs.
The api let's you create objects representing graphs, sub-graphs, nodes and edges in code. Then the graph can be converted into a file written in the dot-language for further processing with the open source graph visualization software Graphviz or any other tool that can read the dot-language.
Written in c# .net standard.
Based on:
- Supported attributes for the dot-language and the layout engines in code.
- Direct integration into graphviz layout engine?
- Include own layout engine?
- Include own renderers?
Graphviz gv = new Graphviz();
Graph graph = new Graph("g1", GraphType.Digraph,false);
Graph cluster_0 = new Graph("cluster_0", GraphType.Digraph,false);
cluster_0.AddAttribute(new Attribute("style", "filled"));
cluster_0.AddAttribute(new Attribute("color", "lightgrey"));
cluster_0.AddAttribute(new Attribute("label", "\"process #1\""));
Attribute cn0Attr = new Attribute("style", "filled");
Node a0 = new Node("a0");
Node a1 = new Node("a1");
Node a2 = new Node("a2");
Node a3 = new Node("a3");
cluster_0.AddEdge(new Edge(a0, a1));
cluster_0.AddEdge(new Edge(a1, a2));
cluster_0.AddEdge(new Edge(a2, a3));
Graph cluster_1 = new Graph("cluster_1", GraphType.Digraph,false);
cluster_1.AddAttribute(new Attribute("color", "blue"));
cluster_1.AddAttribute(new Attribute("label", "\"process #1\""));
Node b0 = new Node("b0");
Node b1 = new Node("b1");
Node b2 = new Node("b2");
Node b3 = new Node("b3");
cluster_1.AddEdge(new Edge(b0, b1));
cluster_1.AddEdge(new Edge(b1, b2));
cluster_1.AddEdge(new Edge(b2, b3));
Node startNode = new Node("Start");
startNode.AddAttribute(new Attribute("shape", "Mdiamond"));
Node endNode = new Node("End");
endNode.AddAttribute(new Attribute("shape", "Msquare"));
graph.AddEdge(new Edge(startNode, a0));
graph.AddEdge(new Edge(startNode, b0));
graph.AddEdge(new Edge(a1, b3));
graph.AddEdge(new Edge(b2, a3));
graph.AddEdge(new Edge(a3, a0));
graph.AddEdge(new Edge(a3, endNode));
graph.AddEdge(new Edge(b3, endNode));
var g = graph.ToDotStringWithHeader();
There are multiple editors online that can be used to edit and view dot-files and graphs: Check out
dot.exe -Tpng -o outfile.png
Dot.exe is the executable for the dot layout engine. Graphviz comes with multiple layout engines. There are executables for other layout engines like neato and twopi.
The argument -T defines the rendered output format. Graphviz supports a range of formats to render to. Some nice examples are -Tpng for Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image files and -Tpdf for portable document format (PDF).
See for the supported output formats.
Graphviz comes with a simple editor for creating graphs called GVEdit. It is located in the installations bin directory and has the name gvedit.exe.
MIT License