Unix-way contest checking system.
Fundamental principle: if tin_foil_hat is not helping you make attack-defence CTF easily, then there is a bug in tin_foil_hat.
$ emerge dev-db/postgresql
$ export GOPATH=$(realpath ./) && go get github.com/jollheef/tin_foil_hat/...
$ sudo psql -U postgres
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE tinfoilhat;
postgres=# CREATE USER tfh WITH password 'STRENGTH_PASSWORD';
postgres=# GRANT ALL privileges ON DATABASE tinfoilhat TO tfh;
After that you need to fix 'connection' parameter in configuration file. (And other parameters, of course)
Now, run it!
$ ./bin/tin_foil_hat ./src/github.com/jollheef/tin_foil_hat/config/tinfoilhat.toml --reinit
- Counter: Count scoreboard.
- Checker: Manage services checkers.
- Receiver: Read flags from teams.
- Steward: Generic database interface.
- Vexillary: Generate and check flags.
- Pulse: Manage rounds.
- Scoreboard: Web scoreboard.