This is an android jme3 project showing two different wireframe rendering methods GLES:
- Geometry shader implementation: Using this method requires openGLES >= 3.2 and Android API level 24 (Android 7) or newer.
- Barycentric coordinates implementation: This method is available to any openGLES version without API level limitation.
The app requires API level 24 (Android 7) or newer, this could be lowered if removing the code making use of Wireframe.j3md
This application demonstrate the functionality of for inner details go to the library page
Just load the project with latest Android Studio (Tested using 4.1.2) and run
The sample app shows four spheres from left to right, top to bottom: jME3 default wireframe mode (will render solid on android), Barycentric coordinates approach mimicing jME3's default, Geometry shader approach and Barycentric coordinates approach mimicing geometry shader approach.
The sample app has been updated to show 6 spheres including both reserved buffer (center spheres) and normal buffer (right spheres) based
- Designed for jMonkeyEngine 3
- Using jme3-wireframe library
- Using Heart library from stephengold