Swift JSExport extensions for macOS system frameworks.
import JavaScriptCore
import FrameworkBridge
let context = JSContext()!
NSSound({ named: "Chirp" }).play();
Test compilation of JSExport classes:
Test runtime registration of classes:
Generates swift headers for AppKit classes. This data is used by ast-builder
node index.js ../../metadata/frameworks.json ../../tmp/headers
Parses swift headers into an ast and store in json.
swift run ast-builder ../../metadata/frameworks.json ../../tmp/headers ../../tmp/ast
Parses swift headers into a list of attributes (i.e. unavailable, renamed, etc).
This data is used by macos-metadata-builder to build the swift jsexport classes (specifically to hide unavailable or obsoleted decls).
This also generates aliases.json and structs.json.
node index.js ../../metadata/frameworks.json ../../tmp/ast ../../tmp/attributes
Generates swift jsexport classes; uses data generated from the above tools.
See README in macos-metadata-generator repo for more details.
- Edit metadata/frameworks.json if you are adding a new framework
- Run gen-header, ast-builder and attribute-list-builder to populate tmp/ folders
- Run macos-metadata-generator to populate tmp/swift/
- Add classes to classesToRegister.json and registration test app