Created using React Native expo
This is my calculator app with a cool blue green theme. It allows users to do basic operations and it includes square root and percentage.
Calculator capabilities:
:All four operations work: add, subtract, multiply, divide as well as clear button
:Decimal works. By using hasDecimal boolean variable, app only allows one decimal per a number
:Includes two additional operations ====> Unlike before, I added lastOperationIndex and buttonCount variables which allow me to use negative sign, square root, and percetage on the correct number. For example, take 3545. Before, these buttons would only do the calculation on 35, the first number, like -3545 even though the current number is 45. Now, it will appear like 35*-45. So, square roots, percetage, and negative sign all work
:Able to do several operations before hitting "="
:Explored another component not discussed in class ==> touchableOpacity and OnPress
:App cannot crash; when hitting random buttons, the answer/display text will output "ERROR" but cannot crash. This error message is easily removed by using the clear button
Calculator limitations:
:User must input a number then add negative; won't work if you first click negative sign without a number because it essentially multiplies the number by -1
:Small limitation ==> When you try to enter random buttons that dont make sense in the displayEquation text (not the result text), the app will output "NaN" in that text. I am unable to change it to "Error" unlike in the result text
Open the App.js
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