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LOGS.PS1 & LOGS.BAT allow you to quickly collect information from a Windows 10 client machine: Main cmdlt functions: Invoke-WebRequest, Get-WinEvent, Get-WindowsUpdateLog, Get-WMIObject, Get-Printer, Get-Process, Select-String, SetupDiag.exe...


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The LOGS.BAT file will automatically prompt for Local Admin Privileges and run a newly created PS1 script via -ExecutionPolicy Bypass.

Right Click the above .bat link and choose Save As or Save Link As: SaveAs

Once the file has saved locally open it: OpenFile

When attempting to run the .bat file you may be prompted by Smart Screen Filter in Windows MoreInfo
Choose: More info and then Run anyway

Accept User Account Control options to run the according PowerShell script with full execution rights.

Note: if you experience any issue running the .bat file, you are able to run the PS1 file in PowerShell ISE as an Administrator after running the command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted


Latest Version is 1.6.3
Project migrated from Technet Gallery on 5/2020 due to site retirement
TechNet Gallery Retirement

Collection Methods

  • We now have the option to run collections independently – By default EventSearch, SetupDiag, Windows Update, Network Diagnostics, PowerCFG, GPResult and Misc Collections are all checked to be collected – so there is no need to modify the check-boxes unless you only want to collect a single group of logs

  • TOP-ERRORS.TXT will also now also open in a GUI Out-Gridview allowing filtering if you choose the option (unchecked by default):

    • Choose which logs to collect:
    • LOGSgui
    • outGridView
      • Full filtering options in Out-GridView are also available:
      • filterGridView
  • Additional Helper Files & collections:

    • All files are written to %temp%\LOGS\GPRESULT
      • This location should be zipped after collection, expect .log/.txt to compress 90%
    • TOP-ERRORS.TXT contains a count of duplicated errors against a given day - this can help to spot certain scenarios but will also include false positives
    • WER-SUMMARY.TXT contains a count of all Windows Error Reports queried from C:\Users\All Users\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive
      -DXDiag, MSINFO32, CBS, DISM and Windows Update Logs are all collected
      • Get-WindowsUpdateLog is executed and parsed ETL files are written to Windows-Update.log
    • All *EVTX Logs containing "error" or "fail" are collected in the /EVTX/ folder by default
    • Setupdiage.exe will download and run by default unless you uncheck it
      • Setupdiag.exe will run as a job and should take less than 10 minutes - after 10 minutes the collection for this task will abort
      • Utilize this collection for Setup, In-Place and Feature Upgrade scenarios only - logs: & SetupDiag*.log
    • NOTE: Additional separate setup collections exist in /SETUP/ w/ SETUP-OOBE & SetupAct-Regex.TXT helper files
    • /Network/ folder contains basic queries against SMB information, proxy info and WLAN Reports
    • /POWER/ folder contains basic POWERCFG and Sleep-Study queries


Batch Wrapper

LOGS.PS1 is wrapped in a batch(.BAT) wrapper; LOGS.BAT which will generate two new files:

  • LOGS_.PS1 has the top 10 lines of the original batch script from LOGS.BAT included
  • These top 10 lines are then removed and a new file is Generated, LOGS.PS1 which is ran via ExecutionPolicy Bypass
    • This allows the LOGS.PS1 PowerShell script to be run with appropriate privileges after User Account Control prompts are granted
    • All logs are written to %temp%\LOGS\GPRESULT
    • It is encouraged to delete all files generated before running the script a second time (including in %temp%)
@echo ####LOGSv.1.6.3 BAT-WRAPPER#####  
SET ScriptDirectory=%~dp0 
CD /D %ScriptDirectory% 
type LOGS.BAT > LOGS_.PS1 
MORE /E +10 %ScriptDirectory%LOGS_.PS1 > %ScriptDirectory%LOGS.PS1 
SET PowerShellScriptPath=%ScriptDirectory%LOGS.PS1 
PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {Start-Process PowerShell -ArgumentList '-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File ""%PowerShellScriptPath%""' -Verb RunAs}"; 

PowerShell Script

In the event that the LOGS.BAT batch file fails to run the collection (due to AV or otherwise) it is also possible to run the PS1 script directly - preferably in PowerShell ISE as an Administrator The steps to do that would be as follows:

  • Open PowerShell ISE as an Administrator on your local Windows System (Search for "ise" in Start, Right Click PowerShell ISE and Choose Run as administrator...
  • Type in the command mentioned below: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted in the console and hit enter and accept appropriate prompts
  • Left click the ps1 link at the top of this page to view the full PS1 script and copy the entire script
  • Paste the script in full into the white pane in PowerShell ISE
  • Click the Green Go button in PowerShell ISE to execute the script
####LOGS.PS1 v.1.6.3#####  
###  Changes in 1.6.3: 
###  Added DISM /Online /Get-Packages to Installed_Updates.TXT 
###  Added miglog.xml, *APPRAISER*.xml to /SETUP/ Collection 
###  Added /Windows/Minidump/*.DMP to DMP collection  
function wh   
        Param ( [parameter (Mandatory = $true)][string]$txt )  
        Write-Host $txt -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black -NoNewline  
        ##Example usage wh "Alias for `n Write-Host"  
    } ## End function wh  
function StartScript   
        ##Locating Temp Dir and writing Transcript  
        $global:tempDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()   
        MD $tempDir\LOGS -EA SilentlyContinue   
        CD $tempDir\LOGS  
        $txtCount = Get-Item $tempDir/LOGS/*.TXT -EA SilentlyContinue  
        if((Get-Host).Version.Major -cge 5) ##WIN7 Not Supported  
                if($txtCount.Count -cge 1)   
                {Start-Transcript -Append -Path $tempDir/LOGS/Event-Search.TXT}   
                Else{Start-Transcript -Path $tempDir\LOGS\Event-Search.TXT}   
        $global:explore = $tempDir + "LOGS\"  
        $global:Ver = "1.6.3"  
        wh "`nLog Collection... (V$Ver)`n"  
        #clearing previous actions  
        Stop-Job *  
        #Initialize CheckBox Vars to $True/$False  
            $Global:EventsCollect = $true; $Global:SetupDiagCollect = $true  
                $Global:UpdatesCollect = $true; $Global:WLANCollect = $true  
                    $Global:PowerCollect = $true; $Global:GPCollect = $true  
                        $Global:miscCollect = $true; $Global:bingCollect = $true  
                            $Global:eventOut = $false        
        #Clear Jobs  
        Stop-Job *  
        Remove-Job *  
    } ## End function Start-Script  
function SetupDiagFunc  
        wh "`n Grabbing SetupDiag.exe ..."       
        Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $tempDir\SetupDiag.exe -TimeoutSec 3 -UseBasicParsing  
            #check for successful download  
            if((Get-Item $tempDir\SetupDiag.exe).length -gt 100000)  
                  wh "`nSuccessful DL!"  
                  wh "`n Invoking SetupDiag.exe ..."  
                  $SetupDiag = {CMD.EXE /C "%temp%\setupdiag.exe /Verbose /Output:%temp%\SetupDiag-Log.txt"}  
                  ## Kick-Off SetupDiagJob  
                  Start-Job -Name SetupDiagJob -ScriptBlock $SetupDiag                     
                }Else{Write-Host "`nDownload of SetupDiag.exe Failed!" -BackgroundColor RED }  
    } ## End Function SetupDiagFunc  
function EventSearch  
    wh "`n Starting EventSearch Job-Function ...`n"  
    ## Gathering Events from System using Get-WinEvent via Job  
    $EventSearchJob =   
        $evtPaths = Get-Item C:\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\*.evtx -Exclude "*PowerShell*",   
            "*known folders*" | Select-Object FullName  
        $i = $evtPaths.Count  
        $x = 0 ##For 1st Loop do Until x = i  
        $events = @()  
        $gatherEvents = @()  
        $eventsArray = @()  
        $searchResult = @()  
        $MaxEvents = 99  
        #Loading/Gathering Events Loop...  
        do {  
            ##Getting Events w/ Get-WinEvent         
            $gatherEvents = Get-WinEvent -Path $evtPaths[$x].FullName -MaxEvents $MaxEvents -EA SilentlyContinue  
            $events = $events + $gatherEvents             
             Until ($x -eq $i)      
        $x = $x +1 ##Total Events Found!  
        $eventsLength = $events.Length ##Total events catalogged!  
        $xx = 0  
        # Write Event Properties to a row and roll it out - Collapsing Array ...   
        do {  
               $date = $events[$xx].TimeCreated | Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd".ToString() -EA SilentlyContinue ##EA SC for Blank Entries  
                $eventRow = new-object PSObject -Property @{  
                Date = $date;  
                Id = $events[$xx].Id;  
                Level = $events[$xx].LevelDisplayName;  
                Provider = $events[$xx].ProviderName;  
               Message = $events[$xx].Message;  
                $cRow = $date + " " + "ID:" +  $events[$xx].Id + " " + "Level:" + $events[$xx].LevelDisplayName + " " + "Provider:" + $events[$xx].ProviderName + " " + "Message:" + $events[$xx].Message   
                $eventsArray += $cRow  
        Until ($xx -eq $events.Length)  
        ##Looking for patterns error or fail in $eventsArray  
        $search = $eventsArray | Select-String -pattern ("error|fail") 
        Return $search ## | Write-Output ##Output for job  
        } ## End $EventSearchJob  
    Start-Job -Name EventSearchJob -ScriptBlock $EventSearchJob  
    } ## End function Event-Search  
function writeSearch  ##   
        ##Event Logs Cont.  
        MD $tempDir\LOGS\EVTX\ -EA SilentlyContinue 
        ##output to file  
        $search | Group-Object | Sort-Object Count -Descending | Format-Table Count, Name -Wrap > TOP-ERRORS.TXT  
        $search > $tempDir\LOGS\SEARCH.TXT  
    if($Global:eventOut -eq $True)  
        $search | Group-Object | Sort-Object Count -Descending |   
            Select-Object -Property Count, Name | Out-GridView -Title "Top `"Errors`" via EVTX - V-$Ver"  
        wh "`n Collecting Matching EVTX Entries ...`n"     
        #Collecting all prev matching EVTX  
        #$evtx = Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\*.evtx  
        $evv = 0  
           $providerName =   
               (($search | Select-String "Provider:.*Message:").Matches.Value -Replace   
                      " Message:", "" -Replace "Provider:", "" | Group-Object ).Name  
            #Converting Provider Name to Log Name                 
            $providerName = (($providerName | ForEach-Object {Get-WinEvent -ProviderName $_ -MaxEvents 1 -EA SilentlyContinue}).LogName | Group-Object).Name     
               $providerName = $providerName -replace "Microsoft.", ""  
                  $providerName = $providerName -replace "Windows.", ""  
                     $providerName = $providerName -replace "`/.*$", ""  
                         $evtx = $providerName | foreach{Get-ChildItem "C:\Windows\System32\winevt\logs\*$_*"}  
                    COPY $evtx[$evv].PSPath $tempDir\LOGS\EVTX\ 
                  Until($evv -eq $evtx.Count)  
    } #End function writeSearch  
function GetUpdates  
        wh "`n Starting Get-WindowsUpdateLog Job-Function ...`n"  
        $updateJob = {get-WindowsUpdateLog}  
        if((Get-Host).Version.Major -cge 5) ##Modern Gatherer  
            Start-Job -Name GetUpdates -ScriptBlock $updateJob  
        ##Legacy Gatherer  
        CP C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log $tempDir\LOGS\WindowsUpdate.log  
        Get-WmiObject win32_quickfixengineering > $tempDir\LOGS\Installed_Updates.TXT  
        Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystemQFE >> $tempDir\LOGS\Installed_Updates.TXT  
    DISM /Online /Get-Packages /Format:Table >> $tempDir\LOGS\Installed_Updates.TXT 
    } ## End function Get-Updates  
function PrinterCheck  
        wh "`n Getting Printer Information ..."  
        get-printer | ft Name, ComputerName, Type, DriverName, PortName, Datatype, Location, DriverName > $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT  
        get-printerDriver | fl >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT  
        Get-ChildItem -Recurse Registry::"HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Drivers" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT -Append  
        Get-ChildItem -Recurse Registry::"HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows x64\Drivers" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT -Append  
        Get-ChildItem -Recurse Registry::"HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT -Append  
        write-output "## CBS ntprint CHECK ##" >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT  
        $cbsCheck = (Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\*cbs* -Recurse | select-string -Pattern "E_INVALIDARG in eventsXml.*Microsoft-Windows-PrintService")  
        if($cbsCheck.Count -eq 0){Write-Output "## NO MATCHES IN CBS ##" >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT} Else{$cbsCheck | Group-Object  >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT}  
        write-output "## ntprint.dll CHECK ##" >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT  
        (Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\System32\ntprint.dll).VersionInfo | ft -AutoSize >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT  
        (Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntprint.dll).VersionInfo | ft -AutoSize >> $tempDir\LOGS\Printers.TXT  
    } ## End function PrinterCheck  
function UpdateHelper  
    if((Get-Host).Version.Major -cge 5)  
            $winupdatelog = get-item $tempDir\LOGS\windows-update.log    ##WIN-10 File  
            MD $tempDir\LOGS\Windows\Logs\WindowsUpdate\ -EA SilentlyContinue | Out-Null  
            CP C:\Windows\Logs\WindowsUpdate\*.etl $tempDir\LOGS\Windows\Logs\WindowsUpdate\ -EA SilentlyContinue  
            Else{$winupdatelog = get-item $tempDir\LOGS\windowsupdate.log} ##LEGACY File  
    $updateError = ($winupdatelog | select-string -pattern "error.*0x........");  
    $updateErrorSplit = $updateError -Split " "  
    $updateErrorCount = (($updateErrorSplit | select-string -pattern "0x........") -Replace "[(),'`.:]", "" -Replace "hr=", "");  
    $updateErrorCount | Group-Object | Sort-Object Count -Descending | Format-Table Count, Name | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\UPDATE-ERRORS.TXT -Width 999  
    $updateError >> UPDATE-ERRORS.TXT  
    if($updateError.length -eq 0){"No `"error.*0x........`" patterns Found in Windows-Update.log" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\UPDATE-ERRORS.TXT}  
    ($winupdatelog | Select-String "KB\d\d\d\d\d\d\d" | Select-string "fail") | Out-file $tempDir\LOGS\UPDATE-ERRORS.TXT -Append -width 999  
    } ## End function UpdateHelper  
function getProcesses  
    wh "`nGetting Active Process ...`n"   
    Get-Process > $tempDir\LOGS\Running-Processes.TXT  
    CMD.EXE /C "tasklist /svc" | Out-File -Append  $tempDir\LOGS\Running-Processes.TXT  
    } ## End function getProcesses  
function GetApps  
    wh "`n Getting List of Installed Apps...`n"  
    Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Format-Table -Property Name, Version, Vendor > $tempDir\LOGS\Installed-Apps.TXT  
    Get-AppxPackage | ft Name, Version, InstallLocation, IspArtiallyStaged, SignatureKind, Status >> $tempDir\LOGS\Installed-Apps.TXT  
    } ## End function GetApps  
function SetupLogs  
    wh "`nGetting Windows Setup Logs Independent of SetupDiage.exe...`n"  
        MD $tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\ -EA SilentlyContinue  
    dir C:\ > $tempDir\LOGS\Dir_Structure.txt  
    ## Main Setup Collection  
    if($env:SystemDrive -eq 'C:') ##Verify SystemDrive  
        $SetupPaths = @()  
        $locations = @(  
        for($i = 0; $locations.count -gt $i; $i++)  
            if((get-item $locations[$i] -Force -EA SilentlyContinue).length -gt 0) ##Null Path Check -Force for Hidden  
                CD $locations[$i]  
                ##Search includes setuperr/setupact only  
                $SetupPaths += Get-ChildItem * -Force -Recurse -Include setuperr.log, setupact.log, miglog.xml, *APPRAISER_Humanreadable.xml -EA SilentlyContinue      
        $cleanPaths = @()  
        for($i = 0; $SetupPaths.count -gt $i; $i++)  
            $cleanPaths += $SetupPaths[$i].PSParentPath.ToString() -replace "Microsoft\.PowerShell\.Core\\FileSystem\:\:C\:\\", ""  
        CD $tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\  
        MD $cleanPaths -Force  
        CD $tempDir\LOGS\  
        for($i = 0; $SetupPaths.count -gt $i; $i++)  
            $destPath = "$tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\" + $cleanPaths[$i]  
            $copyPathLog = ($SetupPaths[$i].ToString())  
            Copy  $copyPathLog -Destination $destPath  
    }Else{Write-Host "`nSystem Drive is not C:... Setup Collection Aborted!`n"}  
    ## End Main Setup Collection  
        ## Setup Reg Output      
        Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OOBE\Me* -recurse -EA SilentlyContinue | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\HKLM_SYSTEM_SETUP-OOBE.TXT -Append  
        Get-Childitem HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\HKLM_SYSTEM_SETUP-OOBE.TXT -Append  
        ## SetupAct String Search  
         $setupRegx = @("MOUPG SetupHost..Initialize:",  
                        (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "MOUPG  SetupHost..Initialize. CmdLine"),  
                        "MOUPG Setup build & Host OS Build:",  
                        (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "MOUPG  SetupHost..Setup build"),  
                        (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "MOUPG      Host OS"),  
                        "Watson Parameters (4&5):",  
                        (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "Watson Bucketing Parameters\[[4-5]\]" ),  
                        (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "\[0x........\]\[0x.....\]"),  
                        (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "FATAL" | Select-String -NotMatch "FatalExecutionEngineError" | Select-String -NotMatch "non-fatal"),  
                        "`"Error   `":",  
                        (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "Error   "),  
                        (Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\*setupact.log -Recurse | Select-String "MIGRATE.*DATA"),  
            Do {$setupRegx[$q] | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\SETUP\SetupAct-Regex.TXT -Append -Width 999 ##spool out results  
                                            }Until($q -eq $setupRegx.Count)  
    } ## End function SetupLogs  
function powerCFGInfo  
    MD $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\ -EA SilentlyContinue  | Out-Null  
    wh "`n Grabbing PowerCFG, Sleep & Battery Info ...`n"  
    ("`n" + "Available Sleep States (/A): `r" + "`n" +"============================`r" + "`r").ToString() | Out-File -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
    powercfg /a | Out-File -Append -encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
    ("`n" + "-DeviceQuery Wake_Armed: `r" + "`n" +"========================`r" + "`r").ToString() | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
    powercfg -devicequery wake_armed  | Out-file -Append -encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
    ("`n" + "Last Wake (-lastwake):  `r" + "`n" +"=====================`r" + "`r").ToString() | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
    powercfg -lastwake  | Out-file -Append -encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
    ("`n`r").ToString() | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
    ("`n" + "-Requests: `r" + "`n" +"==========`r" + "`r").ToString() | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
    powercfg -requests  | Out-file -Append -encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
    $powerList = powercfg -list  
    $powerList | Out-File -Append -encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
    $powerActive = $powerList | select-string "\*" | powercfg /QH "$_"   
    ("`n`r").ToString() | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
    ("`n" + "Active Power Scheme Details: `r" + "`n" +"============================`r" + "`r").ToString() | Out-File -Append -Encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
    $powerActive | Out-File -Append -encoding ascii $tempDir\LOGS\POWER\POWERCFG_INFO.txt  
    if((Get-Host).Version.Major -cge 5) ##WIN7 Does not Support powercfg /battery /sleepstudy  
           $ifbattery = Get-WmiObject win32_battery  
           if ( $ifbattery.__SERVER.count -cge 1 ) { CMD.EXE /C "powercfg /batteryreport /output %temp%\LOGS\POWER\battery-report.html" }  
           CMD.EXE /C "powercfg /sleepstudy /output %temp%\LOGS\POWER\sleepstudy-report.html"  
           CMD.EXE /C "powercfg /ENERGY /duration 10 /output %temp%\LOGS\POWER\energy-report.html"         
    } ## End function powerCFGInfo  
function sysProductCheck  
    wh "`n Getting SystemProductName ...`n"  
    ##SystemInformation Reg   
    reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SystemInformation\ /v SystemProductName  > $tempDir\LOGS\REG_SystemProductName.TXT   
    Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem > $tempDir\LOGS\WMI_Object_System.TXT  
    Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystemProduct >> $tempDir\LOGS\WMI_Object_System.TXT  
    } ## End functions sysProductCheck  
function showWLAN  
    wh "Generating NETSH WLAN Report...`n"  
    $showWLANjob = {  
                    CMD.EXE /c "netsh wlan show networks mode=ssid > %temp%\LOGS\Network\wlan.txt"  
                    CMD.EXE /c "netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid >> %temp%\LOGS\Network\wlan.txt"  
                    CMD.EXE /c "netsh winhttp show proxy > %temp%\LOGS\Network\proxy.txt"  
                    CMD.EXE /c "netsh wlan show wlanreport & COPY C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\wlanReport\wlan-report-latest.html %temp%\LOGS\Network\wlan-report-latest.html"   
                    ##WIN7 Does not Support netsh wlanreport                                                    
    Start-Job -Name showWLAN -ScriptBlock $showWLANjob  
    } ## End function sysProductCheck  
function getGPRESULT  
    wh "`nGetting GPRESULT...`n"  
    } ## End function getGPRESULT  
function reservedCheck  
    $reservedJob =   
        $vol = (mountvol /L | select-string -Pattern "\\\\")  
        $volstring = "mountvol y:" + $vol[0]  
        CMD.EXE /C $volstring  
        SLEEP 2  
        CMD.EXE /C "CHKDSK y: > %temp%\LOGS\SystemReserved.TXT"  
        SLEEP 2 # Pause after drive dismount  
        CMD.EXE /C "mountvol y: /D"  
    Start-Job -Name reservedJob -ScriptBlock $reservedJob  
    } ## End function reservedCheck  
function fltmcCheck  
    wh "`n Getting fltmc Filters ...`n"  
    CMD.EXE /c "fltmc filters > %temp%\LOGS\fltmc_filters.TXT"  
    } ## End function fltmcCheck  
function getDXDiag  
    wh "`n Grabbing DXDiag Info...`n"  
    C:\Windows\System32\dxdiag /x $explore\DxDiag  
    } ## End function getDXDiag  
function getMSINFO  
    wh "`n Gathering MSINFO32 ...`n"  
    ## check if msinfo is already gathering - if so stop  
    If((get-process | select-string -Pattern "msinfo").Pattern -eq "msinfo")  
    {Stop-Process -ProcessName msinfo32}  
        C:\Windows\System32\msinfo32.exe /nfo $tempDir/LOGS/MSINFO32.NFO  
    } ## End function getMSINFO  
function getAV  
     if((Get-Host).Version.Major -cge 5) ##Modern OS Only  
        wh "`n Grab root\SecurityCenter2 AntivirusProduct ...`n"  
        $avPath = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\SecurityCenter2 -Class AntivirusProduct) | % {$_.pathtoSignedProductEXE}  
        "AV Info" + "`n========" | Out-File $tempDir/LOGS/SecurityProductInformation.TXT 
    $avPath | Out-File $tempDir/LOGS/SecurityProductInformation.TXT -Append  
        if($avPath[0] -match "exe")  
                $path = (Get-Item $avPath[0]).PSParentPath  
                Get-Item $path/*.ini | Out-File $tempDir/LOGS/SecurityProductInformation.TXT -Append  
                Get-Content $path/*.ini | Out-File $tempDir/LOGS/SecurityProductInformation.TXT -Append             
            Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\" -recurse -EA SilentlyContinue | Out-File $tempDir/LOGS/SecurityProductInformation.TXT -Append      
    } ## End function getAV  
function getDrivers  
    wh "`n Grabbing Driver listing via DISM.EXE ...`n"  
        $drivers = cmd.exe /C "dism /online /get-drivers /format:table"  
        $drivers += cmd.exe /C "dism /online /get-drivers /all /format:table"  
        $drivers | Out-File $tempDir/LOGS/DISM-Get-Drivers.TXT  
    wh "`n Done!`n"  
    } ## End Function getDrivers  
function getMISCLogs  
        wh "`nCopying misc. logs ...`n"   
        MD $tempDir\LOGS\WER\ -EA SilentlyContinue   
        MD $tempDir\LOGS\Windows\Logs\WindowsUpdate\ -EA SilentlyContinue  
        CP "C:\Users\All Users\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\*" $tempDir\LOGS\WER\ -Recurse -EA SilentlyContinue  
        CP "C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\*cbs*" $tempDir\LOGS\Windows\Logs\  
        CP "C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\*dism*" $TempDir\LOGS\Windows\Logs\  
        CP "C:\Windows\Logs\WindowsUpdate\*" $TempDir\LOGS\Windows\Logs\WindowsUpdate\  
        #DMP Collect  
        $dmp = @()  
        $dmp += Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\*.dmp   
        $dmp += (Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\LiveKernelReports\*.dmp -Recurse -EA SilentlyContinue)  
        $dmp += (Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\Minidump\*.dmp -Recurse -EA SilentlyContinue)  
        #Validate empty array  
        if($dmp.length -ne 0)  
                        If($dmp[$dd].length -lt 2000000)  
                            { $destPath = $dmp[$dd].PSParentPath.Replace('C:\', '').Replace('Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::', '')  
                                MD $destPath -EA SilentlyContinue 
                                    COPY -Path $dmp[$dd].PSPath -Destination $destPath }  
                    Until($dd -eq $dmp.Count)  
         #disk info 
         "`nGet-Disk:`n=========" > $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT  
         Get-Disk |fl >> $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT 
         "`nGet-Partition:`n==============" >> $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT  
         Get-Partition >> $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT 
         Manage-bde -protectors -get C: >> $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT 
         "`nIO Fail Search:`n===============`n" >> $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT 
         $search | Select-String ".**" | Select-String -NotMatch '0, 0, 0, 0' >> $tempDir\LOGS\Disk-Info.TXT        
    } ## End function getMISCLogs  
function bingCollect  
        ##O365 Firewall Check & diagnostics.asp  
        ##URIs based on Article:   
        MD $TempDir\LOGS\Network\ -EA SilentlyContinue  
        wh "Performing Bing & O365 URI Check ... `n"  
              $bingCheck = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing)   
              $bingCheck | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Network\O365-URL-Query.TXT  
              $URIs = @('',    #0  Standard Reply = 403  
              '',      #1  Standard Reply = 200  
              '',                  #2  Standard Reply = 403  
              '',         #3  Standard Reply = 404  
              '',         #4  Standard Reply = 403  
              '',           #5  Standard Reply = 200  
              '',                        #6  Standard Reply = 404  
              '',                  #7  Standard Reply = 404   
              '',             #8  Standard Reply = 404  
              '',                        #9  Standard Reply = 200  
              '',                  #10 Standard Reply = 200  
              '',              #11 Standard Reply = 200   
              '',                #12 Standard Reply = 200  
              '',               #13 Standard Reply = 200  
              '',                #14 Standard Reply = 200  
              '',                          #15 Standard Reply = 200  
              '',                #16 Standard Reply = 403  
              '',          #17 Standard Reply = 200  
              '',        #18 Standard Reply = 403  
              '',           #19 Standard Reply = 200  
              '',              #20 Standard Reply = 401  
              '',          #21 Standard Reply = 401  
              '',         #22 Standard Reply = 200  
              '',        #23 Standard Reply = 400  
              '',                                #24 Standard Reply = 200  
              '',                            #25 Standard Reply = 200  
              '',   #26 Standard Reply = 404  
              '',        #27 Standard Reply = 400  
              '',                          #28 Standard Reply = 200  
              '',        #29 Standard Reply = 403  
              '',                        #30 Standard Reply = 400  
              '',        #31 Standard Reply = 400  
              '',                #32 Standard Reply = 200  
              '',                       #33 Standard Reply = 200  
              '',              #34 Standard Reply = 200  
              '',                 #35 Standard Reply = 200  
              '',                     #36 Standard Reply = 200  
              '');          #37 Standard Reply = 403  
              $count = 0;  
              $queryResult =@{};  
              Write-Host "Checking URIs .." -NoNewline  
              Do {           
                      $queryResult[$count] = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ("http:`/`/" + $URIs[$count]) -Method Head -UseBasicParsing -TimeoutSec 2).RawContent  
                         }Catch{ $catch = $_ }  
                          if($queryResult[$count].Count -eq 0)  
                                  {$queryResult[$count] = ($catch[$catch.count -1].ToString()).Replace("`n", " ")}                                     
                      Write-Host "." -NoNewline           
                  }Until ($count -eq ($URIs.Count));                            
              Write-Host "."  
                  Get-Date | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Network\O365-URL-Query.TXT -Append  
                  $queryResult | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Network\O365-URL-Query.TXT -Append  
        Write-Host " Bing Check", `n, "==========" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Network\O365-URL-Query.TXT -Append  
              wh "`n`n`n`URL Check Finished...`n"   
function smbConfig  
    $CMDs =  
    {   cmd.exe /c "net config server"    
        cmd.exe /c "net config workstation"  
        Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer"   
        Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty | ft }  
    ForEach-Object{Invoke-Command $CMDs | Out-File $TempDir\LOGS\NETWORK\$env:COMPUTERNAME-SMB-Config.TXT -Append}  
    $share = Get-SmbShare  
    ForEach-Object{Get-SmbShareAccess $share.Name | ft  | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\NETWORK\$env:COMPUTERNAME-SMB-Config.TXT -Append}  
} ## End Function smbConfig  
function regLang  
        DISM.EXE /Online /Get-Intl  | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Reg-Lang.TXT  
        "`n","Get-WinUserLanguageList","=======================" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Reg-Lang.TXT -Append  
        Get-WinUserLanguageList     | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Reg-Lang.TXT -Append  
        "`n","Get-WinLanguageBarOption","========================" | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Reg-Lang.TXT -Append  
        Get-WinLanguageBarOption    | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\Reg-Lang.TXT -Append  
function autoRotate  
        Get-ChildItem HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Auto* | Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\AutoRotate.TXT  
function checkBoxes  
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms  
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing  
        $Global:form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form  
        $Global:form.Text = "LOGS-V$ver"  
        $Global:form.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(300,400)  
        $Global:form.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen'  
        $OKButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button  
        $OKButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(100,300)  
        $OKButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)  
        $OKButton.Text = 'OK'  
        $OKButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK  
        $Global:form.AcceptButton = $OKButton  
        $Global:form.ControlBox = $false  
            $Global:boxNum = 1  
            $Global:checkBox = @{} #hash for $checkBox  
            $tag = @{} #hash for $label  
            $Global:Box = @{}  
            function createCheckBox   
                    Param ( [parameter (Mandatory = $true)][string]$name,  
                            [parameter (Mandatory = $true)][string]$label )  
                    $drawingPoint = (50 + ($boxNum *25))  
                    $Global:checkBox[$boxNum] = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox  
                    $Global:checkBox[$boxNum].Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(10,$drawingPoint)  
                    $Global:checkBox[$boxNum].Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(15,15)  
                    $Global:checkBox[$boxNum].Text = ''  
                    $Global:checkBox[$boxNum].Checked = $true  
                    #SetupDiag Label  
                    $tag[$boxNum] = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label  
                    $tag[$boxNum].Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(40,$drawingPoint)  
                    $tag[$boxNum].Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,20)  
                    $tag[$boxNum].Text = "$label"  
                    $Global:boxNum ++  
                } #End nested function createCheckBox   
            createCheckBox -name "EV" -label "EventSearch EventLog Helper"       #1  
            createCheckBox -name "SD" -label "SetupDiag.EXE Setup Diagnostics"   #2  
            createCheckBox -name "WU" -label "Get-WindowsUpdateLog Collection"   #3  
            createCheckBox -name "IP" -label "Network Information"               #4  
            createCheckBox -name "PW" -label "POWERCFG. Sleep & Battery Info"    #5  
            createCheckBox -name "GP" -label "GPResult Info"                     #6  
            createCheckBox -name "MS" -label "General Machine Info"              #7  
            createCheckBox -name "EO" -label "EventSearch Out-GridView"          #8            
            #Checkbox State Changes               
                        if($Global:checkBox[1].checked -eq $True){ $Global:EventsCollect = $true ; Write-Host "." -nonewline} Else{ $Global:EventsCollect = $false }  
                        if($Global:checkBox[2].checked -eq $True){ $Global:SetupDiagCollect = $true ; Write-Host "." -nonewline} Else{ $Global:SetupDiagCollect = $false }  
                        if($Global:checkBox[3].checked -eq $True){ $Global:UpdatesCollect = $true ; Write-Host "." -nonewline} Else{ $Global:UpdatesCollect = $false }  
                        if($Global:checkBox[4].checked -eq $True){ $Global:WLANCollect = $true ; Write-Host "." -nonewline} Else{ $Global:WLANCollect = $false }  
                        if($Global:checkBox[5].checked -eq $True){ $Global:PowerCollect = $true ; Write-Host "." -nonewline} Else{ $Global:PowerCollect = $false }  
                        if($Global:checkBox[6].checked -eq $True){ $Global:GPCollect = $true ; Write-Host "." -nonewline} Else{ $Global:GPCollect = $false }  
                        if($Global:checkBox[7].checked -eq $True){ $Global:miscCollect = $true ; Write-Host "." -nonewline} Else{ $Global:miscCollect = $false }  
                        if($Global:checkBox[8].checked -eq $True){ $Global:eventOut = $true ; $Global:checkBox[1].checked = $true; Write-Host "x" -nonewline} Else{ $Global:eventOut = $false }  
        $Global:checkBox[8].Checked = $false  
        $mainText = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label  
        $mainText.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(62,30)  
        $mainText.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(260,20)  
        $mainText.Text = 'Choose which logs to collect:'  
        $result = $Global:form.ShowDialog()  
        SLEEP 1  #testing Topmost lag  
        $Global:form.Topmost = $true  
        #OK Button ...   
        if ($result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK)  
            $x = $textBox.Text  
    } #End function checkBoxes  
Function werHint  
    $WERs = Get-ChildItem $tempDir\LOGS\WER\*.wer -Recurse  
    $WERArray = @()  
    $Date = $WERs | Select-String -pattern "eventtime=" | % {$_ -Replace("C:.*EventTime=", "")}  
    $eventType = $WERs | Select-String -pattern "EventType=" | % {$_ -Replace("C:.*EventType=", "")}  
    $Sig0Nam = $WERs | Select-String -pattern "Sig\[0\].Name" | % {$_ -Replace("C:.*Sig\[0\].Name=", "")}  
    $Sig0Val = $WERs | Select-String -pattern "Sig\[0\].Value" | % {$_ -Replace("C:.*Sig\[0\].Value=", "")}  
    $Sig3 = $WERs | Select-String -pattern "Sig\[3\].Value" | % {$_ -Replace("C:.*Sig\[3\].Value=", "")}  
    $Sig3 = $WERs | Select-String -pattern "Sig\[3\].Value" | % {$_ -Replace("C:.*Sig\[3\].Value=", "")}  
    $Sig4 = $WERs | Select-String -pattern "Sig\[4\].Value" | % {$_ -Replace("C:.*Sig\[4\].Value=", "")}  
    $epoch = [datetime]"01/01/1601 00:00"  
    $date = $date | foreach{$epoch.AddSeconds($_/10000000)}   
    $convertedDate = foreach($Date in $Date) {Get-Date $Date -Format G}  
    $WERarray = 0..($convertedDate.Length -1) | Select-Object @{n="Id";e={$_}},   
        @{n="Date";e={$convertedDate[$_]}}, @{n="EventType";e={$eventType[$_]}},  
            @{n="S0-Name";e={$Sig0Nam[$_]}}, @{n="S0-Value";e={$Sig0Val[$_]}}, @{n="S3";e={$Sig3[$_]}},   
    $WERArray |Sort-Object -Descending Date | ft -autosize Date, EventType, S0-Name, S0-Value, S3, S4  |   
        Out-File $tempDir\LOGS\WER-SUMMARY.TXT -Width 500  
} ## End Function werHint  
        $Script:Cancel = @{}  
        StartScript #function  
        ## SetupDiagCollect   #2  
        if($Global:SetupDiagCollect -eq $True)  
            SetupDiagFunc #function & job   
            wh "...`n"  
        ## EventSearch         #1  
        if($Global:EventsCollect -eq $True)  
            EventSearch #function & job  
            wh "...`n"  
        ## Get-WindowsUpdate   #3  
        if($Global:UpdatesCollect -eq $True)  
            GetUpdates #function & job  
            wh "...`n`n"  
        ## WLAN/Wifi Collect    #4  
        if($Global:WLANCollect -eq $True)      
            bingCollect #function  
            wh "...`n"  
            showWLAN #function & job   
            wh "...`n"  
            smbConfig #function  
        ## Power/Battery Collect:#5  
        if($Global:PowerCollect -eq $True)  
            powerCFGInfo #function - make job takes a min  
            wh "...`n"  
        ## GPRESULT Collection:  #6  
        if($Global:GPCollect -eq $True)  
            getGPRESULT #function  
            wh "...`n"  
        ## Misc Logs Collection: #7        
        if($Global:miscCollect -eq $True)  
            getMSINFO #function & job  
                wh "...`n"  
            PrinterCheck #function  
                wh "...`n"  
            getProcesses #function  
                wh "...`n"  
            getApps #function - make job - takes a min  
                wh "...`n"  
            SetupLogs #function  
                wh "...`n"       
            sysProductCheck #function  
                wh "...`n"                 
            reservedCheck #function  
                wh "...`n"  
            fltmcCheck #function  
                wh "...`n"  
            getDXDiag #function  
                wh "...`n"  
            regLang #function  
                wh "...`n"  
            autoRotate #function  
            getMISCLogs #function  
                wh "...`n"  
            getDrivers #function  
                wh "...`n"   
            getAV #function  
                wh "...`n"            
        if($Global:EventsCollect -eq $True)  
            wh "`nWaiting for EventSearchJob to complete...`n"  
            Receive-Job -Name EventSearchJob -OutVariable eventSearch -Wait   
            $search = $eventSearch.Line  
        if($Global:SetupDiagCollect -eq $True)  
            #SetupDiagJob - Receive-Job  
            $stamp = (Get-Date -format "hh:mm tt")  
            wh "`nWaiting for SetupDiagJob to complete..."  
            wh "`nTime Stamp: $stamp"  
            wh "`nThis can take up to 10 minutes ..."  
              SLEEP 15  
                wh "."  
                if((Get-Job -name SetupDiagJob).State -eq "Completed")  
                    { Receive-Job -Name SetupDiagJob  
                           wh "`nSetupDiag Completed!"                         
                        Break                      }  
                                }Until($Cancel.SetupDiag -eq $True)  
            wh `n  
            #Receive file and copy  
            Receive-Job -Name SetupDiagJob -Wait   
            Copy-Item $tempDir\Logs*.zip $tempDir\LOGS\  
            Copy-Item $tempDir\setupdiag*.log $tempDir\LOGS\  
            Remove-Item $tempDir\Logs*.zip  
        if($Global:UpdatesCollect -eq $True)  
            #GetUpdates Job via:  
            #UpdateHelper <--- GetUpdates Job has to finish first!  
            #Checking Status of GetUpdates Job...  
            wh "Checking Status of GetUpdates Job...`n"  
            If ((Get-Job -Name GetUpdates).State -eq "Failed")  
                { wh "`nGetUpdates Job Failed!`n" }  
                            Receive-Job -Name GetUpdates -wait  
                            Move $env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\WindowsUpdate.log $TempDir\LOGS\Windows-Update.log -Force  
                            wh "`n Writing Update Helper Info to UPDATE-ERRORS.TXT ... `n"  
                            UpdateHelper #run the update helper function  
        } #End getting GetUpdates-job       
        #Finishing EventSearch  
        if($Global:EventsCollect -eq $True)  
                writeSearch #function  
#Wait on MSINFO...  
if($Global:miscCollect -eq $True)  
    wh "`n Waiting for MSINFO32 to Complete ...`n"  
    do{ start-sleep 1 }  
    Until((get-process | select-string -Pattern "msinfo").Pattern -cne "msinfo")  
        werHint #function  
if((Get-Host).Version.Major -cge 5) ##WIN7 Does not Support Transcript  
    start-sleep 1  
    Until((get-item $tempDir\LOGS\Event-Search.TXT).Length -cne 0)  
wh "`nLog Collection Completed! `nLogs are available in %temp%\LOGS\`n"    
wh "`nHit Any Key or Close ...`n"  
Start-Sleep 1  
Start Explorer.exe $explore  
## LOGS.PS1 1.6.3  ##     
## JOHNEM 8-2019 ##   
## EOF ##


LOGS.PS1 & LOGS.BAT allow you to quickly collect information from a Windows 10 client machine: Main cmdlt functions: Invoke-WebRequest, Get-WinEvent, Get-WindowsUpdateLog, Get-WMIObject, Get-Printer, Get-Process, Select-String, SetupDiag.exe...



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