This is a basic e-commerce web app created with Meteor, React and the Mantra architecture. I created this from scratch as a hiring procedure from my previous company. I have very little experience with Meteor and JavaScript in particular when I created this and it was under a time limit, so sorry for the messy code :D
Search categories / products**Browse categories / productsShopping cartPurchase / checkout of products (without singup/login)Receive email on purchaseReceive email on shipped
LoginAdd/update/delete categories (with photos)Update orders to shippedDaily email to admin of total salesLogout
** Products can be searched through full text matches and can be filtered by categories
The project consists of two apps which are both inside the test-project/
- contains the admin appshop/
- contains the frontend shop
The shop
connects to the MongoDB server started by the admin
app. In order to easily start and reset the project as needed, I have provided two basic shell scripts to run and or reset both applications simultaneously:
- execute this to reset both Meteor projects simultaneously/
- start theadmin
onPORT 3000
and theshop
onPORT 4000
. This script also handles the environment variables of the two applications for theMAIL_URL
- The frequency of the daily sales mailer can be changed (for testing) at Line 8 of the
. It uses Later.js syntax for specifying the frequency. The default configuration that I have set is for it to send the sales report at exactly 11:00 PM everyday. It was tested to work by usingevery 1 min
as the parameter.
- pagination and search using reg exp instead of word stems
- refactor code in the shop application (I did this last, and I was falling out of schedule so it was rushed)
- improve / style the emails sent through the mailer (I decided not to clutter the code anymore with long html strings to design the emails, and using packages will use more time, so I just made it simple)
- use standard XHR methods to handle file uploads (instead of a deprecated package)
- use proper validations (very basic validations (if not) were used, I focused more on having all requirements to work)
- overall design (the site lacks imagination and heavily relied on default bootstrap classes)