Zibby is a currency convertor to help users to convert Malaysia Ringgit (MYR) to other currencies, namely Singapore Dollar, United States Dollar, Euro, Great British Pound, RenMinBi, Thai Baht, and Indian Rupee. Zibby aims to ease the users by providing a one-stop solution check the conversion of currencies. The program is implemented in C++.
The user has to first enter the currency to convert from Malaysia Ringgit (MYR). In this example, Euro is selected.
The program will prompt the user to enter the amount to convert. After that, the program will perform the conversion and print out the result. The program will ask the user if another conversion is performed. Key in 'N' to exit the program.
In the main page, if the user keys in numbers besides 1 to 7, then an error message will be displayed "Your input is invalid. Please key in correctly."
In the currency conversion page, if the amount is less than 0.00 (negative number), then the program will prompt the user to enter the valid amount.
Joey Lim, Y.F.,Tan, T.C.,Chan, J.Z.,Neow.
The program is built using Codeblocks V16.01. This project is made for my PPS0335 Problem Solving and Programming
subject. The original program of this assignment is modified and updated.