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Extended Sorting Functions

Ken Moini edited this page Aug 29, 2013 · 1 revision

Extending Sorting Functions & Examples

A guide to some further examples of extending StupidTable's sorting functions into real-world applications

Directory Listing

So say you have a directory listing populating a table such as the following, where you have an Up/Parent Directory link that should stay at the top, and two groups of row types, directories and files, identified by a class. Ideally, the directory listing should be sorted but kept above the sorted file listing.

<table id="dirListingTable" class="table-striped table table-hover" border="0" width="100%">
		<th class="detailsFilename" data-sort="string-ins">Filename</th>
		<th class="detailsSize" data-sort="int">Size</th>
		<tr class="upDir"><td colspan="2"><a href="?dir=/">.. (Up Dir)</a></td></tr>
		<tr class="directory">
			<td><a href="?dir=/cgi-bin">cgi-bin</a></td>
			<td class="detailsSize" data-sort-value="0"></td>
		<tr class="directory">
			<td><a href="?dir=/docs">ktk</a></td>
			<td class="detailsSize" data-sort-value="0"></td>
		<tr class="directory">
			<td><a href="?dir=/pics">pics</a></td>
			<td class="detailsSize" data-sort-value="0"></td>
		<tr class="file">
			<td><a href="?download_file=/"></a></td>
			<td class="detailsSize" data-sort-value="2027236">2 MB</td>
		<tr class="file">
			<td><a href="?download_file=/"></a></td>
			<td class="detailsSize" data-sort-value="2027220">2 MB</td>

The Javascript...

var sortStupid = jQuery("#dirListingTable").stupidtable();
sortStupid.bind('aftertablesort', function (event, data) {
	// Move Up Dir link to the top & group by directory and files
	var rowsObjs = $(this).find("tbody tr"); //Find the rows in this stupidtable
	var rows = rowsObjs.slice(0); //Separate them into an array
	var dirRows = []; //Inititalize a few arrays
	var fileRows = [];
	var newRows = [];
	for(r=0; r<rows.length; r++) {
		if (jQuery(rows[r]).hasClass('directory')) { dirRows[dirRows.length] = rows[r]; } //Add the rows that have a 'directory' class to the newly initialized 'dirRows' array.
		else if (jQuery(rows[r]).hasClass('file')) { fileRows[fileRows.length] = rows[r]; } //If it's matched as a file by the row having a 'file' class, then add it into the 'fileRows' array
		else if (jQuery(rows[r]).hasClass('upDir')) { newRows[0] = rows[r]; } //Or, if this is the 'Parent Directory' link, then place it at the beginning of the 'newRows' array.
	for(d=0; d<dirRows.length; d++) { newRows[newRows.length] = dirRows[d]; } //First loop through the newly populated 'dirRows' array, then add them to the 'newRows' array.
	for(f=0; f<fileRows.length; f++) { newRows[newRows.length] = fileRows[f]; } //Do the same for the files
	$(this).children("tbody").append($(newRows));  //Then lastly update the DOM
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