Still no pen, no words, no image
can express to you the loveliness
of my only, only Lord Jesus.
- Samuel Rutherford
Hello! My name is Joseph L. Louthan. Trying to spend all of my days with God. Sarah's husband and a Papa to a few kiddos. Living in Central Kentucky. An elder candidate of Reforming Truth Church. Joyfully ex-Evangelical turned Reformed Baptist--1689 Confessional.
This blog is a collection of writings--devotional, expository thoughts on the gospel of God--the good news of what Christ has done for us.
And if I have fifteen minutes to spare in my day, I'm intensely mediocre at StarCraft 2.
Psalm 17:15 (CSB) But I will see your face in righteousness; when I awake, I will be satisfied with your presence.