This is the improved and last version of the CRUD AuthorApi I created a while ago. I summarises most concepts I learned while building the recent versions. It includes JWT Authentication.
To access book and author resources, You need to add the prefix /api
to the root URL
For example, GET
to get a list of users
To access the API, you will require to get an API Key.
to create an account
Once created visit
to get an access token
/authors/ | GET | Get all authors alongside their books |
/author/id | GET | Get an author with an id |
/authors/ | POST | create a new author |
/author/id | PUT | Update info for an author with an id |
/author/id | DELETE | Delete an author with an id |
/books/ | GET | Get all the books |
/book/id | GET | Get a book with an id |
/books/ | POST | Create a new book |
/book/id | PUT | Update a book with a given id |
/book/id | PATCH | Edit a book's description |
/book/id | DELETE | Delete a book with a given id |
- Flask (web framework)
- Flask-Marshmallow (Object Serialization and Deserialization)
- Flask-SQLAlchemy (Object Relational Mapper for Flask and relational databases)
- PyMySQL (Database Driver for MySQL and Python)
- MySQL (An Open Source relational database)