A guide to the adventurer
This is a path of self study using books, online resources (sites and courses).
The idea is to use the resources of 5 fronts to learn this subject.
- Engineering Aeronautics and Astronautics
- PPL General Aviation
- Sailplanes/Gliders
- Aeromodelism
- Simulation
- How to Learn Modern Aeronautics and Astronautics
The Aircraft Book: The Definitive Visual History (Dk General History)
by DK and Philip Whiteman
320 pag -
Understanding Flight, 2th Edition
by David Anderson, Scott Eberhardt
320 pag
Understanding flight - Lecture by Professor David Anderson -
Introduction to Flight, 8th Edition
by John Anderson
928 pag
- Mechanics of Flight, 2nd Edition
by Warren F. Phillips
1152 pag
Aerodynamics for Engineers, 6th Edition
by Bertin, Cummings
832 pag -
Fundamentals of aerodynamics, 6th Edition
by Anderson, John
1152 pag -
Modern Compressible Flow: With Historical Perspective, 3rd Edition
by Anderson, John
784 pag -
Hypersonic and High-Temperature Gas Dynamics, 3rd Edition
by Anderson, John
869 pag
Aircraft Structures (Dover Books on Aeronautical Engineering)
by David J. Peery
576 pag -
Understanding Aircraft Structures
by John Cutler, Jeremy Liber
224 pag -
Analysis and Design of Flight Vehicle Structures
by E.F. Bruhn
650 pag -
Airframe Stress Analysis 3th Edition
by Michael C. Niu
806 pag
Aircraft Propulsion 2th Edition
by Farokhi
1043 pag -
Aircraft Powerplants, 9th Edition
by Thomas Wild
736 pág -
Jet Engines: Fundamentals of Theory, Design and Operation
by Klaus Hunecke
224 pag -
The Jet Engine
by Rolls Royce
288 pag -
Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook
by Meherwan P. Boyce
1000 pag
Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach (Aiaa Education) 6th Edition
by Daniel P. Raymer
1062 pag -
General Aviation Aircraft Design: Applied Methods and Procedures
by Gudmundsson
1048 pag
- Aircraft Electricity and Electronics, 7th Edition
by Thomas Eismin
640 pag
- Digital Avionics Handbook, 3rd Edition
by Cary Spitzer, Uma Ferrell, Thomas Ferrell
848 pag
Principles of Modern Radar: Basic Principles Volume 1
by Mark A. Richards, William A. Holm, James A. Scheer
960 pag -
Principles of Modern Radar: Advanced Radar Techniques and Applications Volume 2
by William L. Melvin, James A. Scheer
960 pag -
Principles of Modern Radar: Radar Applications Volume 3
by William L. Melvin, James A. Scheer
816 pag
Composite Material Fabrication Handbook #1 (Composite Garage Series)
by John Wanberg
144 pag -
Composite Materials: Fabrication Handbook #2 (Composite Garage Series)
by John Wanberg
144 pag -
Composite Materials: Fabrication Handbook #3 (Composite Garage Series)
by John Wanberg
144 pag -
Fundamentals of Composites Manufacturing: Materials, Methods and Applications 2ed
by A. Brent Strong
640 pag
Computational Fluid Dynamics
by John Anderson
574 pag -
Computational Fluid Dynamics: From zero to guru
by Alexander Yun
594 pag -
An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method
by Versteeg
520 pag -
Essential Computational Fluid Dynamics 2st Edition
by Oleg Zikanov
384 pag
Fundamentals of Astrodynamics (Dover Books on Aeronautical Engineering)
by Roger R. Bate , Donald D. Mueller
480 pag -
Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students 4th Edition
by Howard D. Curtis
784 pag
- Rocket Propulsion Elements 9th Edition
by George P. Sutton
792 pag
- Space Mission Engineering: The New SMAD
by James R. Wertz, David F. Everett, Jeffery J. Puschell
1048 pag
Physics and Maths for the PPL
by Burnay, Luis
144 pag -
PBS Illustrated Guide to Aerodynamics 2/E
by Smith, Hubert
352 pag -
Air Pilot's Manual - Flying Training: Volume 1
by Saul-Pooley, Dorothy,Law, Esther
410 pag -
Air Pilot's Manual: Air Law & Meteorology: Volume 2
by Dorothy Saul-Pooley
408 pag -
Air Pilot's Manual - Navigation: Volume 3
by Dorothy Saul-Pooley
410 pag -
Air Pilot's Manual - Aeroplane Technical - Principles of Flight, Aircraft General, Flight Planning & Performance: Volume 4
by Dorothy Saul-Pooley, Philip Baxter (Author), Gill Daljeet
468 pag -
Air Pilot's Manual - Radio Navigation and Instrument Flying: Volume 5
by Jonathan Shooter
570 pag -
Air Pilot's Manual - Human Performance & Limitations and Operational Procedures: Volume 6
by Dorothy Saul-Pooley
400 pag -
Air Pilot's Manual - Communications: Volume 7
by Helena Hughes
260 pag -
Better Aerobatics
by Alan Charles Cassidy
458 pag
The Cloud Book: How to Understand the Skies
by Richard Hamblyn
160 pag -
Beginning Gliding (Flying and Gliding)
by Derek Piggott
224 pag -
Understanding Gliding: The Principles of Soaring Flight (Flying and Gliding)
by Derek Piggott
256 pag -
Understanding Flying Weather
by Derek Piggott
96 pag -
The Soaring Pilot's Manual: 2th Edition
by Stewart, Ken
374 pag -
Federal Aviation Administration Glider Flying Handbook: FAA Handbooks Series
266 pag
Gliding with Radio Control (Beginner's Guide to Building and Flying Model Sailplanes)
by Martin Simons
128 pag -
RC Ground School: The Beginners' Guide to Flying Electric RC Airplanes
by Mohan, Jim
152 pag -
Aircraft Workshop: Learn to Make Models That Fly
by Shacklock, Kelvin
264 pag -
Basics of Model Aircraft Design
by Andy Lennon
120 pag -
Model Aircraft Aerodynamics
by Simons, Martin
270 pag -
Aerodynamic Design of Radio guided Sailplanes
by Dr. Ing. Ferdinando Gale
312 pag
b2streamlines.com -
Structural Dimensioning of Radio guided Aeromodels
by Dr. Ing. Ferdinando Galè
114 pag
b2streamlines.com -
Radio Control Foam Modelling
by Thomas, David
190 pag -
Rubber Powered Model Airplanes: Comprehensive Building & Flying Basics, Plus Advanced Design-Your-Own Instruction: Comprehensive Building and Flying ... Instructions: Volume 1
by Don Ross
168 pag -
Flying Models: Rubber, CO2, Electric & Micro Radio Control: Tips & Techinques for Beginner & Expert: Volume 2
by Don Ross
240 pag -
Scale Model Gliders (The modeller's world series)
162 pag -
Gas Turbine Engines for Model Aircraft
by Kurt Schreckling
104 pag -
by José Carlos Rodrigues
Free book for private use
- MIT Open Courseware - Aeronautics and Astronautics
- AeroPython - Classical Aerodynamics with Python - Lorena A. Barba
- CFD Python - a.k.a. the 12 steps to Navier-Stokes - Lorena A. Barba
- ME 702 - CFD - Lorena A. Barba
- APSIA - Associação de Planadores de Santa Iria de Azoia |Sailpanlnes or gliders|
- Clube de Aeromodelismo de Lisboa
- IITK Aeromodelism Club has good presentation information
- Repository library of RC books that are not published anymore
- Indoor News and Views - Repository of all information on indoor flight from back in the days to present
- B2Stremline.com - Shop of advanced books on RC sailplanes
- Genetic algorithms applied in Computer Fluid Dynamics for multiobjective optimization
- Understanding flight - Lecture by Professor David Anderson
- Understanding flight 2
- Flight of the Future - Science Fiction or Reality
- Video de people having a lot of fun flying RC aeromodels.
DIY Beginner RC Plane - FT Simple Cub - Video de people having a lot of fun racing big and light WWII RC aeromodels with camera.
Epic Warbird Air Race! | Giant DIY P-38 Lightnings
- Video of people having lots of fun with gliders/sailplanes in APSIA - St. Iria da Azóia - Lisbon - Portugal.
APSIA - Gliding after a day of work
APSIA - Glider scales 2016
How to Build an RC Plane from a Pizza Box - FT Slice - BUILD
Video of indoor free flight 3.1g really slowly inside your house.
F1D Indoor Free Flight 3.1 grams -
Two videos on how to construct wings with cardboard, hot glue and tape, with little mony 5 dollars, that can survive to crashes (PlayList).
WING BUILD WITH CARDBOARD How To Make a Rc Plane With Cardboard Homemade Airplane -
POLYHEDRAL WING BUILD WITH CARDBOARD | $5 Trainer Unbreakable Rc Plane Project EP7 | Hot Glue
This are all the videos on the playlist and they are very good.
How To Build a $5 Trainer Rc Plane Project -
Easy to build $5 dollar trainer made only with isolation foam and cheap electronics from ebay.
$5 Trainer Build Techniques - Isolation foam -
A Video of an incredible gentlemen making a Turbo Jet engine from scrap metal and car motor turbo parts in is garage. In the end he also makes a full airplane and shows it flying. Appreciate it! Put subtitle on, it's well worth it.
From the construction of a Turbo Jet engine to the making of an airplane and flight
An explanation, take a part and comparison video of the smallest Turbo Jet engines
I'm an engineer but I'm not a Aeronautics and Astronautics engineer! I'm only doing this learning path on my own and have I a real drive and passion to learn it. I share with others the previous information because it is the information that I have found more useful and in same places that I haven't already reed it, I used the best reviews after reading several comments and what look to me to be the best sources. Has I go on this path of reading all those books I will update this repository with my findings. I'm doing it for the pleasure of knowing more about this subject (it can take 4 to 5 years :-D ).
Best regards,
Joao Nuno Carvalho