The revised paper submitted to the 2019 NAIS Annual Conference:
To run program, run the code below in the terminal.
python .\
Appendix – Program Details:
Programming language:
- Python 3.7
Classes(Name and Size):
- (996 lines)
- (266 lines)
- (33 lines)
- (80 lines)
- (344 lines)
Packages: Name: Version:
- MatPlotLib (3.0.0)
- OpenCV (
- TkInter (8.6)
- Pillow (5.3.0)
- NumPy (1.15.2)
- Image (1.5.25)
- ImageIO (2.4.1)
- Pandas (0.23.4)
Provided Functionality:
- Edit genetic values
- Edit algorithmic parameters
- Edit data output parameters
- Import image (File)
- Import image (Camera)
- Show image
- Export GIF
- Evolution controls (Run, Pause, Stop)
- Edit algorithmic parameters while pausing
- Edit data output parameters while pausing
- Export final image when manually stopping
- Export GIF when manually stopping
- Display current generation number
- Display current fitness score
- Display current relative fitness
- Show current image (phenotype)
- Plot fitness graph(s) from data output
- Clear plotted graphs