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NSPanel Service Menü
ab v3.9.0
Das Menü ist in den Variablendefinitionen des TS-Script v3.9.0 enthalten, dient als Beispiel für eine Subpage-Gestaltung und kann beliebig angepasst werden. Die Aliase für dieses Beispiel legt das TS-Script, sofern setOption in der JavaScript-Adapter-Instanz angehakt ist, automatisch an.
Im Zuge der weiteren Releases wird es sukzessive um künftige Funktionalitäten erweitert
![Matrix Serviceseiten](picture/servicemenu/matrixServiceseiten.png)
nachfolgende Konstante ist für die Menüfarbe reserviert und kann individuell durch eigene RGB-Farbwerte angepasst werden.
//Menu Icon Colors
const Menu: RGB = { red: 150, green: 150, blue: 100 };
innerhalb des PageItems kann das Icon im Alias des Gerätetypen "info" ebenfalls einen Indikatorwert annehmen:
Wenn colorScale im PageItem vorhanden ist, werden gesetzte
dabei ignoriert. Es wird dann auschließlich der Parameter colorScale ausgewertet.
colorScale: {'val_min': 0, 'val_max': 100, 'val_best': 50 }
val_best ist hierbei Optional und stellt den Idealwert dar!
weiter Beispiele:
{ id: AliasPath + 'Tasmota.Wifi.RSSI', name: 'RSSI', icon: 'signal', unit: '%', colorScale: {'val_min': 100, 'val_max': 0} },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Tasmota.Wifi.Signal', name: 'Wifi-Signal', icon: 'signal-distance-variant', unit: 'dBm', colorScale: {'val_min': 0, 'val_max': -100} },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Sensor.ANALOG.Temperature', name: 'Raum Temperatur', icon: 'home-thermometer-outline', unit: '°C', colorScale: {'val_min': 0, 'val_max': 40, 'val_best': 22 } },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Sensor.ESP32.Temperature', name: 'ESP Temperatur', icon: 'thermometer', unit: '°C', colorScale: {'val_min': 0, 'val_max': 100, 'val_best': 50 } },
nachfolgend die Seiten- und Menüdefinition aus dem TS-Script ab v4.3.3
** Service Pages mit Auto-Alias (Nachfolgende Seiten werden mit Alias automatisch angelegt) **
** https://github.com/joBr99/nspanel-lovelace-ui/wiki/NSPanel-Service-Men%C3%BC **
/* DE: German
Wenn das Service Menü abgesichert werden soll, kann eine cardUnlock vorgeschaltet werden.
Für diesen Fall ist folgende Vorgehensweise erforderlich:
- cardUnlock Seite "Unlock_Service" in der Config unter pages auskommentieren ("//" entfernen)
- Servicemenü aus pages "NSPanel_Service" unter pages kommentieren ("//" hinzufügen)
** Service pages with auto alias (subsequent pages are automatically created with alias) **
** https://github.com/joBr99/nspanel-lovelace-ui/wiki/NSPanel-Service-Men%C3%BC **
/* EN: English
If the service menu needs to be secured, a cardUnlock can be installed upstream.
In this case, the following procedure is required:
- comment out cardUnlock page "Unlock_Service" in the config under pages (remove "//")
- Comment service menu from pages "NSPanel_Service" under pages (add "//")
//Level 0 (if service pages are used with cardUnlock)
let Unlock_Service: PageType = {
type: 'cardUnlock',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('service_pages'),
useColor: true,
items: [{ id: 'alias.0.NSPanel.Unlock', targetPage: 'NSPanel_Service_SubPage', autoCreateALias: true }],
//Level_0 (if service pages are used without cardUnlock)
let NSPanel_Service: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('service_menu'),
useColor: true,
items: [
{ navigate: true, id: 'NSPanel_Infos', icon: 'information-outline', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, name: findLocaleServMenu('infos'), buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('more') },
{ navigate: true, id: 'NSPanel_Einstellungen', icon: 'monitor-edit', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, name: findLocaleServMenu('settings'), buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('more') },
{ navigate: true, id: 'NSPanel_Firmware', icon: 'update', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, name: findLocaleServMenu('firmware'), buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('more') },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Config.rebootNSPanel', name: findLocaleServMenu('reboot'), icon: 'refresh', offColor: MSRed, onColor: MSGreen, buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('start') },
//Level_0 (if service pages are used with cardUnlock)
let NSPanel_Service_SubPage: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('service_menu'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: Unlock_Service,
home: 'Unlock_Service',
items: [
{ navigate: true, id: 'NSPanel_Infos', icon: 'information-outline', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, name: findLocaleServMenu('infos'), buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('more') },
{ navigate: true, id: 'NSPanel_Einstellungen', icon: 'monitor-edit', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, name: findLocaleServMenu('settings'), buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('more') },
{ navigate: true, id: 'NSPanel_Firmware', icon: 'update', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, name: findLocaleServMenu('firmware'), buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('more') },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Config.rebootNSPanel', name: findLocaleServMenu('reboot'), icon: 'refresh', offColor: MSRed, onColor: MSGreen, buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('start') },
let NSPanel_Infos: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('nspanel_infos'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: NSPanel_Service,
home: 'NSPanel_Service',
items: [
{ navigate: true, id: 'NSPanel_Wifi_Info_1', icon: 'wifi', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, name: findLocaleServMenu('wifi'), buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('more') },
{ navigate: true, id: 'NSPanel_Sensoren', icon: 'memory', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, name: findLocaleServMenu('sensors_hardware'), buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('more') },
navigate: true,
id: 'NSPanel_IoBroker',
icon: 'information-outline',
offColor: Menu,
onColor: Menu,
name: findLocaleServMenu('info_iobroker'),
buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('more'),
{ id: AliasPath + 'Config.Update.UpdateMessage', name: findLocaleServMenu('update_message'), icon: 'message-alert-outline', offColor: HMIOff, onColor: MSGreen },
let NSPanel_Wifi_Info_1: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('nspanel_wifi1'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: NSPanel_Infos,
next: 'NSPanel_Wifi_Info_2',
items: [
{ id: AliasPath + 'ipAddress', name: findLocaleServMenu('ip_address'), icon: 'ip-network-outline', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Tasmota.Wifi.BSSId', name: findLocaleServMenu('mac_address'), icon: 'check-network', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Tasmota.Wifi.RSSI', name: findLocaleServMenu('rssi'), icon: 'signal', unit: '%', colorScale: { val_min: 100, val_max: 0 } },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Tasmota.Wifi.Signal', name: findLocaleServMenu('wifi_signal'), icon: 'signal-distance-variant', unit: 'dBm', colorScale: { val_min: 0, val_max: -100 } },
let NSPanel_Wifi_Info_2: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('nspanel_wifi2'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
prev: 'NSPanel_Wifi_Info_1',
home: 'NSPanel_Service',
items: [
{ id: AliasPath + 'Tasmota.Wifi.SSId', name: findLocaleServMenu('ssid'), icon: 'signal-distance-variant', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Tasmota.Wifi.Mode', name: findLocaleServMenu('mode'), icon: 'signal-distance-variant', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Tasmota.Wifi.Channel', name: findLocaleServMenu('channel'), icon: 'timeline-clock-outline', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Tasmota.Wifi.AP', name: findLocaleServMenu('accesspoint'), icon: 'router-wireless-settings', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
let NSPanel_Sensoren: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('sensors1'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: NSPanel_Infos,
next: 'NSPanel_Hardware',
items: [
id: AliasPath + 'Sensor.ANALOG.Temperature',
name: findLocaleServMenu('room_temperature'),
icon: 'home-thermometer-outline',
unit: '°C',
colorScale: { val_min: 0, val_max: 40, val_best: 22 },
id: AliasPath + 'Sensor.ESP32.Temperature',
name: findLocaleServMenu('esp_temperature'),
icon: 'thermometer',
unit: '°C',
colorScale: { val_min: 0, val_max: 100, val_best: 50 },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Sensor.TempUnit', name: findLocaleServMenu('temperature_unit'), icon: 'temperature-celsius', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Sensor.Time', name: findLocaleServMenu('refresh'), icon: 'clock-check-outline', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
let NSPanel_Hardware: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('hardware2'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
prev: 'NSPanel_Sensoren',
home: 'NSPanel_Service',
items: [
{ id: AliasPath + 'Tasmota.Product', name: findLocaleServMenu('product'), icon: 'devices', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Tasmota.Hardware', name: findLocaleServMenu('esp32_hardware'), icon: 'memory', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Display.Model', name: findLocaleServMenu('nspanel_version'), offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Tasmota.Uptime', name: findLocaleServMenu('operating_time'), icon: 'timeline-clock-outline', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
let NSPanel_IoBroker: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('info_iobroker'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: NSPanel_Infos,
home: 'NSPanel_Service',
items: [
{ id: AliasPath + 'IoBroker.ScriptVersion', name: findLocaleServMenu('script_version_nspanelts'), offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: AliasPath + 'IoBroker.NodeJSVersion', name: findLocaleServMenu('nodejs_version'), offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: AliasPath + 'IoBroker.JavaScriptVersion', name: findLocaleServMenu('instance_javascript'), offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: AliasPath + 'IoBroker.ScriptName', name: findLocaleServMenu('scriptname'), offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
let NSPanel_Einstellungen: PageType = {
type: 'cardGrid',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('settings'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: NSPanel_Service,
home: 'NSPanel_Service',
items: [
navigate: true,
id: 'NSPanel_Screensaver',
icon: 'monitor-dashboard',
offColor: Menu,
onColor: Menu,
name: findLocaleServMenu('screensaver'),
buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('more'),
{ navigate: true, id: 'NSPanel_Relays', icon: 'electric-switch', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, name: findLocaleServMenu('relays'), buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('more') },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Config.temperatureUnitNumber', icon: 'gesture-double-tap', name: findLocaleServMenu('temp_unit'), offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, modeList: ['°C', '°F', 'K'] },
id: AliasPath + 'Config.localeNumber',
icon: 'select-place',
name: findLocaleServMenu('language'),
offColor: Menu,
onColor: Menu,
modeList: [
{ navigate: true, id: 'NSPanel_Script', icon: 'code-json', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, name: findLocaleServMenu('script'), buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('more') },
let NSPanel_Screensaver: PageType = {
type: 'cardGrid',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('screensaver'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: NSPanel_Einstellungen,
home: 'NSPanel_Service',
items: [
{ navigate: true, id: 'NSPanel_ScreensaverDimmode', icon: 'sun-clock', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, name: findLocaleServMenu('dimmode') },
{ navigate: true, id: 'NSPanel_ScreensaverBrightness', icon: 'brightness-5', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, name: findLocaleServMenu('brightness') },
{ navigate: true, id: 'NSPanel_ScreensaverLayout', icon: 'page-next-outline', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, name: findLocaleServMenu('layout') },
{ navigate: true, id: 'NSPanel_ScreensaverWeather', icon: 'weather-partly-rainy', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, name: findLocaleServMenu('weather') },
{ navigate: true, id: 'NSPanel_ScreensaverDateformat', icon: 'calendar-expand-horizontal', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, name: findLocaleServMenu('date_format') },
{ navigate: true, id: 'NSPanel_ScreensaverIndicators', icon: 'monitor-edit', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, name: findLocaleServMenu('indicators') },
let NSPanel_ScreensaverDimmode: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('dimmode'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: NSPanel_Screensaver,
home: 'NSPanel_Service',
items: [
{ id: AliasPath + 'Dimmode.brightnessDay', name: findLocaleServMenu('brightness_day'), icon: 'brightness-5', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, minValue: 5, maxValue: 10 },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Dimmode.brightnessNight', name: findLocaleServMenu('brightness_night'), icon: 'brightness-4', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, minValue: 0, maxValue: 4 },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Dimmode.hourDay', name: findLocaleServMenu('hour_day'), icon: 'sun-clock', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, minValue: 0, maxValue: 23 },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Dimmode.hourNight', name: findLocaleServMenu('hour_night'), icon: 'sun-clock-outline', offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu, minValue: 0, maxValue: 23 },
let NSPanel_ScreensaverBrightness: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('brightness'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: NSPanel_Screensaver,
home: 'NSPanel_Service',
items: [
id: AliasPath + 'ScreensaverInfo.activeBrightness',
name: findLocaleServMenu('brightness_activ'),
icon: 'brightness-5',
offColor: Menu,
onColor: Menu,
minValue: 20,
maxValue: 100,
id: AliasPath + 'Config.Screensaver.timeoutScreensaver',
name: findLocaleServMenu('screensaver_timeout'),
icon: 'clock-end',
offColor: Menu,
onColor: Menu,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 60,
{ id: AliasPath + 'Config.Screensaver.screenSaverDoubleClick', name: findLocaleServMenu('wakeup_doublecklick'), icon: 'gesture-two-double-tap', offColor: HMIOff, onColor: HMIOn },
let NSPanel_ScreensaverLayout: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('layout'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: NSPanel_Screensaver,
home: 'NSPanel_Service',
items: [
id: AliasPath + 'Config.Screensaver.alternativeScreensaverLayout',
name: findLocaleServMenu('alternative_layout'),
icon: 'page-previous-outline',
offColor: HMIOff,
onColor: HMIOn,
{ id: AliasPath + 'Config.Screensaver.ScreensaverAdvanced', name: findLocaleServMenu('advanced_layout'), icon: 'page-next-outline', offColor: HMIOff, onColor: HMIOn },
let NSPanel_ScreensaverWeather: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('weather_parameters'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: NSPanel_Screensaver,
home: 'NSPanel_Service',
items: [
{ id: AliasPath + 'ScreensaverInfo.weatherForecast', name: findLocaleServMenu('weather_forecast_offon'), icon: 'weather-sunny-off', offColor: HMIOff, onColor: HMIOn },
{ id: AliasPath + 'ScreensaverInfo.weatherForecastTimer', name: findLocaleServMenu('weather_forecast_change_switch'), icon: 'devices', offColor: HMIOff, onColor: HMIOn },
id: AliasPath + 'ScreensaverInfo.entityChangeTime',
name: findLocaleServMenu('weather_forecast_change_time'),
icon: 'cog-sync',
offColor: Menu,
onColor: Menu,
minValue: 15,
maxValue: 60,
id: AliasPath + 'Config.Screensaver.autoWeatherColorScreensaverLayout',
name: findLocaleServMenu('weather_forecast_icon_colors'),
icon: 'format-color-fill',
offColor: HMIOff,
onColor: HMIOn,
let NSPanel_ScreensaverDateformat: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('date_format'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: NSPanel_Screensaver,
home: 'NSPanel_Service',
items: [
{ id: AliasPath + 'Config.Dateformat.Switch.weekday', name: findLocaleServMenu('weekday_large'), icon: 'calendar-expand-horizontal', offColor: HMIOff, onColor: HMIOn },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Config.Dateformat.Switch.month', name: findLocaleServMenu('month_large'), icon: 'calendar-expand-horizontal', offColor: HMIOff, onColor: HMIOn },
let NSPanel_ScreensaverIndicators: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('indicators'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: NSPanel_Screensaver,
home: 'NSPanel_Service',
items: [
{ id: AliasPath + 'Config.MRIcons.alternateMRIconSize.1', name: findLocaleServMenu('mr_icon1_size'), icon: 'format-size', offColor: HMIOff, onColor: HMIOn },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Config.MRIcons.alternateMRIconSize.2', name: findLocaleServMenu('mr_icon2_size'), icon: 'format-size', offColor: HMIOff, onColor: HMIOn },
let NSPanel_Relays: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('relays'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: NSPanel_Einstellungen,
home: 'NSPanel_Service',
items: [
{ id: AliasPath + 'Relay.1', name: findLocaleServMenu('relay1_onoff'), icon: 'power', offColor: HMIOff, onColor: HMIOn },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Relay.2', name: findLocaleServMenu('relay2_onoff'), icon: 'power', offColor: HMIOff, onColor: HMIOn },
let NSPanel_Script: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('script'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: NSPanel_Einstellungen,
home: 'NSPanel_Service',
items: [
{ id: AliasPath + 'Config.ScripgtDebugStatus', name: findLocaleServMenu('debugmode_offon'), icon: 'code-tags-check', offColor: HMIOff, onColor: HMIOn },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Config.MQTT.portCheck', name: findLocaleServMenu('port_check_offon'), icon: 'check-network', offColor: HMIOff, onColor: HMIOn },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Config.hiddenCards', name: findLocaleServMenu('hiddencards_offon'), icon: 'check-network', offColor: HMIOff, onColor: HMIOn },
let NSPanel_Firmware: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('firmware'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: NSPanel_Service,
home: 'NSPanel_Service',
items: [
{ id: AliasPath + 'autoUpdate', name: findLocaleServMenu('automatically_updates'), icon: 'power', offColor: HMIOff, onColor: HMIOn },
navigate: true,
id: 'NSPanel_FirmwareTasmota',
icon: 'usb-flash-drive',
offColor: Menu,
onColor: Menu,
name: findLocaleServMenu('tasmota_firmware'),
buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('more'),
navigate: true,
id: 'NSPanel_FirmwareBerry',
icon: 'usb-flash-drive',
offColor: Menu,
onColor: Menu,
name: findLocaleServMenu('berry_driver'),
buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('more'),
navigate: true,
id: 'NSPanel_FirmwareNextion',
icon: 'cellphone-cog',
offColor: Menu,
onColor: Menu,
name: findLocaleServMenu('nextion_tft_firmware'),
buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('more'),
let NSPanel_FirmwareTasmota: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('tasmota'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: NSPanel_Firmware,
home: 'NSPanel_Service',
items: [
{ id: AliasPath + 'Tasmota.Version', name: findLocaleServMenu('installed_release'), offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Tasmota_Firmware.onlineVersion', name: findLocaleServMenu('available_release'), offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: 'Divider' },
id: AliasPath + 'Config.Update.UpdateTasmota',
name: findLocaleServMenu('update_tasmota'),
icon: 'refresh',
offColor: HMIOff,
onColor: MSGreen,
buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('start'),
let NSPanel_FirmwareBerry: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('berry_driver'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: NSPanel_Firmware,
home: 'NSPanel_Service',
items: [
{ id: AliasPath + 'Display.BerryDriver', name: findLocaleServMenu('installed_release'), offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Berry_Driver.onlineVersion', name: findLocaleServMenu('available_release'), offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: 'Divider' },
id: AliasPath + 'Config.Update.UpdateBerry',
name: findLocaleServMenu('update_berry_driver'),
icon: 'refresh',
offColor: HMIOff,
onColor: MSGreen,
buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('start'),
let NSPanel_FirmwareNextion: PageType = {
type: 'cardEntities',
heading: findLocaleServMenu('nextion_tft'),
useColor: true,
subPage: true,
parent: NSPanel_Firmware,
home: 'NSPanel_Service',
items: [
{ id: AliasPath + 'Display_Firmware.TFT.currentVersion', name: findLocaleServMenu('installed_release'), offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Display_Firmware.TFT.desiredVersion', name: findLocaleServMenu('desired_release'), offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Display.Model', name: findLocaleServMenu('nspanel_model'), offColor: Menu, onColor: Menu },
{ id: AliasPath + 'Config.Update.UpdateNextion', name: 'Nextion TFT Update', icon: 'refresh', offColor: HMIOff, onColor: MSGreen, buttonText: findLocaleServMenu('start') },
// End of Service Pages
export const config: Config = {
// Seiteneinteilung / Page division
// Hauptseiten / Mainpages
pages: [
NSPanel_Service, //Auto-Alias Service Page
//Unlock_Service, //Auto-Alias Service Page (Service Pages used with cardUnlock)
// Unterseiten / Subpages
subPages: [
//NSPanel_Service_SubPage, //Auto-Alias Service Page (only used with cardUnlock)
NSPanel_Infos, //Auto-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_Wifi_Info_1, //Auto-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_Wifi_Info_2, //Auto-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_Sensoren, //Auto-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_Hardware, //Auto-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_IoBroker, //Auot-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_Einstellungen, //Auto-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_Screensaver, //Auto-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_ScreensaverDimmode, //Auto-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_ScreensaverBrightness, //Auto-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_ScreensaverLayout, //Auto-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_ScreensaverWeather, //Auto-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_ScreensaverDateformat, //Auto-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_ScreensaverIndicators, //Auto-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_Relays, //Auto-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_Script, //Auto-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_Firmware, //Auto-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_FirmwareTasmota, //Auto-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_FirmwareBerry, //Auto-Alias Service Page
NSPanel_FirmwareNextion, //Auto-Alias Service Page