A WebDAV network filesystem PoC
To test our solution, we need a GNU/Linux host, ideally running on Linux 3.10, with ownCloud (tested on ownCloud 5.0.11) and compilation tools.
This software is a proof of concept for an academic work, it is UNSTABLE (very likely to make your system crash), HAS NO READ/WRITE SUPPORT and many crucial filesystem features are missing. It SHOULD NOT be used for any other purpose than for research and development.
- Linux headers
- build-essentials
$ git clone https://github.com/jeyglk/webdavfs.git webdavfs
$ cd webdavfs/
$ make
$ cd webdavClient/
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
$ make
When compiled, load the webdavfs module in the kernel and mount the virtual filesystem. Run the following commands from the webdavfs directory:
# insmod webdavfs.ko
# mount –t webdavfs any /mnt/point/path
Then, from the webdavClient build directory:
# ./webdavClient