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createPipe is a utility function that creates a composable pipeline of operations that can handle both synchronous and asynchronous operations. It's similar to a pipe or chain pattern, where each operator in the pipeline can:

  • Process a value
  • Pass it to the next operator
  • Resolve early
  • Reject with an error


npm install pipeline-utility


This utility's design is simple and allows for a lot of flexibility. Here are some examples of how to use it.

This package supports both CommonJS and ES Modules.

import { createPipe } from 'pipeline-utility';
const { createPipe } = require('pipeline-utility');

Example 1: Simple synchronous operations

const addTenPipe = createPipe<number>([
	(value, next) => {
		next(value + 10);

const result = await addTenPipe(5);


Example 2: Multiple operations

const mathPipe = createPipe<number>([
	(value, next) => {
		next(value + 10);
	(value, next) => {
		next(value * 2);
	(value, next) => {
		next(value - 5);

const result = await mathPipe(5);

expect(result).toEqual(25); // Output: 25 ((5 + 10) * 2 - 5)

Example 3: Early resolution

const earlyResolvePipe = createPipe<number>([
	(value, next, resolve) => {
		if (value < 0) {
			resolve(0); // Early exit if negative
		} else {
	(value, next) => {
		next(value * 2); // This won't run for negative numbers

const results = await Promise.all([
	await earlyResolvePipe(-5),
	await earlyResolvePipe(5)

expect(results).toEqual([0, 10]);

Example 4: Error handling

const errorMessage = 'Negative numbers not allowed';
const validatePipe = createPipe<number>([
	(value, next, resolve, reject) => {
		if (value < 0) {
			reject(new Error(errorMessage));
		} else {

await validatePipe(-5)
	.catch(error => {

const result = await validatePipe(5);


Example 5: Async operations

const asyncPipe = createPipe<number>([
	async (value, next) => {
		const result = await someAsyncOperation(value);
	(value, next) => {
		next(value * 2);

const result = await asyncPipe(5);


Example 6: Accumulating paginated data with generators

const generateMiddleware = function* () {
	let page = 1;
	let hasMore = true;

	while (hasMore) {
		yield async (data: number[], next: NextOperator<number[]>) => {
			const response = await fetchPaginatedData(page, 10);
			hasMore = response.hasMore;
			next([,]); // Accumulate data through the pipe

const pipe = createPipe<number[]>(generateMiddleware());

const results = await pipe([]); // Start with empty array

expect(results.length).toBe(30); // Total items across all pages
expect(results.slice(0, 10)).toEqual([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]); // First page
expect(results.slice(10, 20)).toEqual([10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]); // Second page
expect(results.slice(20, 30)).toEqual([20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29]); // Third page