Multipurpose modular deep learning neural network with OpenGl visualization.
Watch the neural net learn. Synaptic weight visualization with OpenGL allows the user to watch
the neural net train.
Usage: deepnet /[mode] /[# data] /[size] /[neurons.brain] /[visualize]
mode: /[t/a] either a 't' to specify training mode or 'a' to analyze.
/# data: number of data for training or analysis.
size: the length of the largest data (including solution flag and length header if training).
neurons.brain: file to dump neurons to after training or load neurons for analysis.
visualize: [0 to # data] opengl visualization of training (slower). 0 to disable.
Make targets: spec, line, and tri are available.
spec - Screen clear after each render. Just shows current synapse values.
line - OpenGL lines.
tri - OpenGL triangles.
Primative coordinate system: ( x: synapse0, y: synapse1, z: synapse2 )
Each colored trail is one layer0 -> layer1 synaptic weight.
Each dot is one layer0 -> layer1 synaptic weight.