Simple shooter game writtern in Lua and LÖVE framework with Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen bullets/pairs.
Just type
love .
in the main directory.
More about EPR paradox and Bell states. Also recommended Orginal paper by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen, which is free to read.
The game is build around the simple shooting game, with a sligth extension of a player having an ability to use EPR pairs to propagate bullets. Basic controls inclide
- shoot a standard bulletX
- shoot a quantum bullet (a quant)M
- measure quantum bullets (quants) to get classical bullets
A player can choose to shoot with classical bullets, which direcly hit the enemies, or quantum bullets. Quantum bullets have to be measures and can result in the appearance of two classical bullet or none of them. It up to you if you decide to play with classical bullets or with quantum.
Additionally, the plateyer can
restart the game after getting hit by the enemyESC
- quit the game.
This project is a byproduct of reading Lua tutorials. There is only one level
and a player has only one live. Game parameters can be changed in conf.lua
There is only one quantum state used. Also, all quantum bullets have to mea measured at the same time.
In order to run the game you need to install LÖVE framework. The game was tested under Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS with LÖVE 11.3.
The game is based on the tutorial Your First Love2d Game in 200 Lines
Graphics used in the game was provided by: chabull and Rawdanitsu at OpenGameArt
Roboto fonts are availble at