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Bind Unreal Symbols via C++
POC for generating new UFuncs implemenation in Nim
Consume Nim in Unreal via auto generated FFI
Hot Reloading Windows
Hot Reloading MacOS
Test Integration via Unreal Frontend
Cover most Unreal Reflected Types
Getter/Setters macro for UProps
Generate Nim definitions from Unreal Reflection system
Being able to produce new UE types from Nim
Macro (pragma) for implmenting UFuncs in nim
proc myFunc(strg: FString) : {. ufunc: params .} nimCodeHere
DSL for defining uFunctions in blocks
DSL for defining UStructs
uStruct FMyNimStruct: (BlueprintType) uprop(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite): testField : int32 testField2 : FString uprop(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly): param35 : int32
DSL for defining UEnums
uEnum EMyEnumCreatedInNim: (BlueprintType) ValueOne SomethingElse AnotherThing
DSL for defining delegates
uDelegate FMyDelegate2Params(str:FString, param:TArray[FString]) uDelegate FMyDelegateNoParams()
DSL for defining UClasses
uClass MyClass of UObject = (Blueprintable, BlueprintType) uprops(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly) myProp : FString myProp2 : int32 uprops(MoreParams..) ... More props ufuncs(BlueprintCallable): proc testStatic() {.static.} = UE_Log "Test static2" regularNimFunction() proc tick(deltaTime:float) = UE_Warn "Im ticking" proc beginPlay() = regularNimFunction() proc setColorInEditor() {.CallInEditor.} = self.setColorByStringInMesh("(R=0,G=0,B=1,A=1)") testStatic() ufuncs(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintPure): proc getSalute() : FString = "Hello World" proc addTwoNumbers(a, b : int ) : int = a + b
Being able to emit most used FProperties
Being able to emit any type into UE with hotreload
Allow to define constructors on UObjects
Non Editor Builds (Manual)
- Make builds work on Windows
- Make builds work on MacOS
- Make builds work ok iOS
- Make builds work on Android/VR Mobile Devices like Oculus Quest
Non editor builds should be statically linked
Automatise non editor builds
Support reflected interfaces (UInterfaces) in uClasses
Inheritance in UStrucs.
Virtual Functions support on UObjects. At this point, the C++ integration will be complete and you will be able to do anything that you can do in C++.
Support for multiple inheritance in uClasses so C++ interfaces can be implemented.
Experimental NimVM integration (No comp time for small changes/Runtime code execution)
Improve Debugger
- Keep the debugger hook after hot reloading
- Research if it's possible to have a better mapping on the Nim types.
Test Nim code that consumes Unreal Code without starting the editor.
REPLScratchpad file with automatic hot reload. -
Editor Extension for auto completation on the DSL
NUE module system