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Higher Education now requires a Net Price Calculator on all university level websites. This project makes it easier to add a calculator that takes into account your university's proprietary merit and need based scholarships

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 * Net Price Calculator v1.0
 * Author: James McMillan
 * Copyright 2011, Kettering University
 * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
 * Date: Mon Aug l 09:43:22 2011 -0500

The Net Price Calculator project stems from a government mandate that all universities provide a web accessible calculator that not only
defines the tuition of the university but other associated costs as well (ie: Books, Transportation, Room & Board)

jquery.js - This plugin uses the jQuery framework version 1.3.1
netprice.js - The actual plugin logic
netprice.css - The Stylesheet for formatting the calculator
template.txt - The Template used by the plugin to pull in customized values and the User Interface
demo.html - The demonstration application for this plugin

The plugin has one default option, the location of the template file.  The default value for this option is the template.txt file that is
included in the package.

Using Default Template:

Using server-side template file
							 templateUrl:[path to template]

In order for the calculator to work correctly the Allow-Control-Orgin [template domain] must be enabled on the remote server
if a template file from a different domain is used.

The template must have at least 1 element with the netprice_slide class.  This is what is used for the navigational buttons.

template.txt Important Notes:
		 The formatting is standard html with the exception of a few custom tags that have special meaning to the calculator:
			<EFCFIELD/> - This will be the location where the EFC Input box will appear
			<EFCVALUE/> - This will display the value currently entered in the EFC Field
			<PROFILE></Profile> - This tag set will contain the Profile Selection options.  These options can be customized
								  to your organization using an Array of profile objects.
								  Profile Array Example: 
								  profile[0]={name:"Profile 1"
								  name (string) - Name of the profile to be displayed in the legend of the fieldset
								  number (int) - Used to identify the profile number, currently unused but may be necessary in future releases
								  gpa (object) - The GPA Object identifies the values to display for the minimum and maximum values of the Grade Point Average for the profile
									min (float)
									max (float)
								  sat (object) - The SAT Object identifies the values to display for the minimum and maximum values of the SAT Test Scores for the profile
									min (float)
									max (float)
								  act (Object) - The ACT Object identifies the values to display for the minimum and maximum values of the ACT Test Scores for the profile
									min (float)
									max (float)
								  checked (boolean) - if true then the radio button for this profile will be checked, if false it will not be checked.
			<PROFILELABEL/> - This tag will contain the name value of the profile currently selected.
			<RESIDENCY></RESIDENCY> - This tag set will contain an array of residency options.  These optins can be customized
									  to your organization using an Array of Residency Objects.
									Residency Array Example:
										residency[0] = {
														,label:'Residing in the state of Michigan'
										name (string) - The name of the radio button element used to select the option
										id (string} - The ID of the radio button, for future development
										value (string) - The value of the radio button element.  This serves as the link to the cost object described below.
										label (string) - The text that will be displayed next to the radio button in the user interface
										checked (boolean) - If true then the radio button will be checked by default.
			<RESIDENCYLABEL/> - This tag will display the label value of the current residency object selected.
			<COSTS></COSTS> - This tag set is used to define the costs associated with the net price of a university.  You can customize this
							  using an array of cost objects.
							  costs array example:
							  costs = [
										 ,"label":"Books & Supplies"
										 ,"description":"The estimated cost of Books averaged over a 4 year period"
							  name (string) - The name of the cost, used when looking up costs using $.fn.netprice.getCost([],[residency.value])
							  cost (float) - the actual cost of the item for a complete school year
							  code (string) - Used to seperate costs based on residency.  The value of the residency object determines which cost is displayed
							  label (string) - The text that is displayed on the screen when the cost has been selected
							  description (string) - Additional information that will appear when the label is clicked on.
			<NEED/> - This tag will display the need calculation by totaling all of the costs and then subtracting the EFC value entered
			<AWARDS></AWARDS> - This tag will display the award values based on the calculations provided.  This can be customized using an array
								of award objects.  During calculation all awards defined between these tags will be listed.
								Award Object Example:
								award[0] = {
											,description:"Based on a student's academic, artistic, athletic or other abilities, and often factor in an applicant's extracurricular activities and community service record. The most common merit-based scholarships, awarded by either private organizations or directly by a student's intended college, recognize academic achievement or high scores on standardized tests"
																	var retval = 0;
																		case 1:
																		case 2:
																			retval = 15000;
																		case 3:
																		case 4:
																			retval = 14000;
																		case 5:
																		case 6:
																		case 7:
																			retval = 13000;
																		case 8:
																			retval = 2000;
																	return retval;
								name (string): The name of the award as it will be displayed to the end user
								description (string): A short description of the award that will appear when the name is clicked
								rule (function): The logic that will return the awarded amount based on the EFC value, the Profile selected, and the residency selected
												 the function must have all three inputs defined in the function even if they are not used.
												 The return value should always be a numeric value
			<NETPRICE/> - This tag will be updated with the net price (cost of attendance - awards) after every calculation
			<TOTAL> - The Total Costs will be updated here after every calculation
			<AWARDTOTAL> - The total awards will be placed here after every calculation

	$('').netPrice(options)					Object			Initializes the netprice Plugin

	$.fn.netPrice.defaultOptions.templateUrl		string			Path to the Template File (default: template.txt)
	$.fn.netPrice.defaultOptions.currencyFormat		function		Function to convert float values to currency based format (default: 999,999.00)
Public Variables:
	$.fn.netPrice.defaultOptions			Array[Object]	The default options for the calculator.
	$.fn.netPrice.currentSlide				int				The Current Slide Number (Default is zero)
	$.fn.netPrice.costs 					Array[Object]	The Costs used by the calculator (Default is empty, loaded from template.txt)
	$.fn.netPrice.awards 					Array[Object]	The Awards used by the calculator (Default is empty, loaded from template.txt)
	$.fn.netPrice.profile 					Array[Object]	The Profiles used by the calculator (Default is empty, loaded from template.txt)
	$.fn.netPrice.residency  				Array[Object]	The Residency values used by the calculator (Default is empty, loaded from template.txt)
	$.fn.netPrice.totalAward 				float			The Total award amount from calculation (Default is zero)
	$.fn.netPrice.totalCost 				float			The Total Cost of Attendance value from calculation (Default is zero)
	$.fn.netPrice.template					string			The formated template used by the calculator
Public Methods
	$.fn.netPrice.gotoSlide(idx)			Displays the Slide Number to the one specified by idx (zero-based)
	$.fn.netPrice.nextSlide()				Advances the current slide by one each time it is called until $(".netprice_slide").length is reached
	$.fn.netPrice.previousSlide()			Reduces the current slide by one each time it is called until zero (0) is reached
	$.fn.netPrice.costByCode(code)			Returns an array of cost objects based on the residency code value provided
	$.fn.netPrice.totalByCode(code)			Returns the total cost value of the costs objects identified by the residency code value provided
	$.fn.netPrice.getCost(name,code)		Returns the cost value of the cost object matching the name and residency code provided
	$.fn.netPrice.getResidency(code)		Returns the residency Object identified by the residency code
	$.fn.netPrice.updateResidencyLabel()	Updates the <RESIDENCYLABEL/> tag with the $.fn.netPrice.residency.label text
	$.fn.netPrice.updateCOA()				Updates the <COSTS></COSTS> tag set with the formatted costs and amounts
	$.fn.netPrice.updateNeed()				Updates the <NEED></NEED> tag set with the calculated need values
	$.fn.netPrice.updateProfileLabel()		Updates the <PROFILELABEL/> tag with the selected
	$.fn.netPrice.updateAward()				Updates the <AWARDS></AWARDS> tag set with the calculated awards
	$.fn.netPrice.updateEFCValue()			Updates the <EFCVALUE/> tag with the user-entered EFC value
	$.fn.netPrice.updateNetPrice()			Updates the <NETPRICE/>, <TOTAL/>, and <AWARDTOTAL> tags with the calculated values
	$.fn.netPrice.update()					Runs all Update methods


Higher Education now requires a Net Price Calculator on all university level websites. This project makes it easier to add a calculator that takes into account your university's proprietary merit and need based scholarships






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