This is a working example of a basic GraphQL server written in PHP that queries and mutates data stored in a MySQL/MariaDB database.
It uses the webonyx/graphql-php port of Facebook's Node GraphQL reference implementation and the overblog/dataloader-php port of Facebook's Node DataLoader.
It includes a Dockerfile
and docker-compose.yml
that can be used to run the GraphQL server on your local development machine.
git clone
cd php-graphql-server
docker-compose up
docker-compose will:
- Build the docker image from the Dockerfile
- Run composer in the container to pull down all of the following 3rd party dependencies, as well as their related dependencies:
- webonyx/graphql-php
- overblog/dataloader-php
- ivome/graphql-relay-php
- guzzlehttp/guzzle
- phpunit/phpunit
- mockery/mockery
- Bring up the Apache web server running the PHP GraphQL web app at http://localhost:8000
To test GraphQL queries and mutations against the GraphQL server, install the ChromiQL extension for Google Chrome Browser.
Open the ChromiQL extension and set the endpoint to http://localhost:8000/
Using the ChromeiQL extension user interface, try the following query to verify that the server works:
query {
UserList (first: 3)
Try creating a User with the following mutation:
mutation {
username: "bubiquitous",
first_name: "Bob",
last_name: "Ubiquitous",
email: ""
Then re-run the first query to retieve the list of users and see the user you have created.