All notable changes to the "vue-discovery" extension will be documented in this file.
- Add support for external route sto Registered components with absolute paths
- Add posibility to delete the node_modules folder in the project
- Add posibility to create a test unit file for .vue files
- Add vite support
- Dependencies are updated
- Improved the way the extension discover plugins.
- Changes in AST finder dependencies
- Now, we can navigate to Cypress Commands definitions
- Add improvements to detect and navigate to $refs in a vue page
- Add improvements to detect and navigate to constants defined in Vue instance New property 'utilsDirectory' added
- Update default value for property 'componentShowcaseUrl'
- Add improvements for Cypress test files
- Add improvement to show plugins from the page, and properties on objects from data siuch as i18n properties.
- In script, when we write this. intelliSense show object froms props, data, computed, and methods,
- In test folder, the added methods through the "add" function in cy object (Cypress plugin) are detected.
- New property 'cypressTestsDirectory' added
- Access to the showCase application is added by clicking on Ctrl+Shift+I with the punch on the component tag
- Vue parser dependency has changed
- Added possibility of showing the description of the component and accessing the file by clicking on the Ctrl key when mouse is over the component tag
- Fix how detect where pointer in in template section
- Fix lack of events detections in some components
- Initial version of Vue-discovery-MTM