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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description
  3. Setup
  1. Usage
  1. Reference
  2. Limitations
  3. Development
  4. Release Notes/Contributors


Puppet module that installs and configures the OpenDaylight Software Defined Networking (SDN) controller.

Module Description

Deploys OpenDaylight to various OSs either via an RPM or directly from the ODL tarball release artifact.

All OpenDaylight configuration should be handled through the ODL Puppet module's params. If you need a new knob, please raise an Issue.

The master branch installs OpenDaylight from the latest testing RPM repository by default. There are stable/ branches that install OpenDaylight releases and service releases, like Beryllium or Beryllium SR3.


What opendaylight affects

  • Installs Java, which is required by ODL.
  • Creates odl:odl user:group if they don't already exist.
  • Installs OpenDaylight.
  • Installs a systemd unitfile or Upstart config file for OpenDaylight.
  • Manipulates OpenDaylight's configuration files according to the params passed to the ::opendaylight class.
  • Starts the opendaylight systemd or Upstart service.

Beginning with opendaylight

Getting started with the OpenDaylight Puppet module is as simple as declaring the ::opendaylight class.

The vagrant-opendaylight project provides an easy way to experiment with applying the ODL Puppet module to CentOS 7, Fedora 22 and Fedora 23 Vagrant boxes.

[~/vagrant-opendaylight]$ vagrant status
Current machine states:

cent7                     not created (libvirt)
cent7_rpm_he_sr4          not created (libvirt)
cent7_rpm_li_sr2          not created (libvirt)
cent7_rpm_be              not created (libvirt)
cent7_ansible             not created (libvirt)
cent7_ansible_be          not created (libvirt)
cent7_ansible_path        not created (libvirt)
cent7_pup_rpm             not created (libvirt)
cent7_pup_custom_logs     not created (libvirt)
cent7_pup_tb              not created (libvirt)
f22_rpm_li                not created (libvirt)
f22_ansible               not created (libvirt)
f22_pup_rpm               not created (libvirt)
f23_rpm_li                not created (libvirt)
f23_rpm_li_sr1            not created (libvirt)
f23_rpm_li_sr2            not created (libvirt)
f23_rpm_li_sr3            not created (libvirt)
f23_rpm_be                not created (libvirt)
f23_ansible               not created (libvirt)
f23_pup_rpm               not created (libvirt)

[~/vagrant-opendaylight]$ vagrant up cent7_pup_rpm
# A CentOS 7 VM is created and configured using the ODL Puppet mod's defaults
[~/vagrant-opendaylight]$ vagrant ssh cent7_pup_rpm
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ sudo systemctl is-active opendaylight


The most basic usage, passing no parameters to the OpenDaylight class, will install and start OpenDaylight with a default configuration.

class { 'opendaylight':

Karaf Features

To set extra Karaf features to be installed at OpenDaylight start time, pass them in a list to the extra_features param. The extra features you pass will typically be driven by the requirements of your ODL install. You'll almost certainly need to pass some.

class { 'opendaylight':
  extra_features => ['odl-ovsdb-plugin', 'odl-ovsdb-openstack'],

OpenDaylight normally installs a default set of Karaf features at boot. They are recommended, so the ODL Puppet mod defaults to installing them. This can be customized by overriding the default_features param. You shouldn't normally need to do so.

class { 'opendaylight':
  default_features => ['config', 'standard', 'region', 'package', 'kar', 'ssh', 'management'],

Install Method

The install_method param, and the associated tarball_url and unitfile_url params, are intended for use by developers who need to install a custom-built version of OpenDaylight, or for automated build processes that need to consume a tarball build artifact.

It's recommended that most people use the default RPM-based install.

If you do need to install from a tarball, simply pass tarball as the value for install_method and optionally pass the URL to your tarball via the tarball_url param. The default value for tarball_url points at OpenDaylight's latest release. The unitfile_url param points at the OpenDaylight systemd .service file used by the RPM and should (very likely) not need to be overridden.

class { 'opendaylight':
  install_method => 'tarball',
  tarball_url    => '<URL to your custom tarball>',
  unitfile_url   => '<URL to your custom unitfile>',

RPM Repo

The rpm_repo param can be used to configure which RPM repository OpenDaylight is installed from.

class { 'opendaylight':
  rpm_repo => 'opendaylight-40-release',

The naming convention follows the naming convention of the CentOS Community Build System, which is where upstream ODL hosts its RPMs. The opendaylight-40-release example above would install OpenDaylight Beryllium 4.0.0 from the [nfv7-opendaylight-40-release][18] repo. Repo names ending in -release will always contain well-tested, officially released versions of OpenDaylight. Repos ending in -testing contain frequent, but unstable and unofficial, releases. The ODL version given in repo names shows which major and minor version it is pinned to. The opendaylight-40-release repo will always provide OpenDaylight Beryllium 4.0, whereas opendaylight-4-release will provide the latest release with major version 4 (which could include Service Releases, like SR2 4.2).

For a full list of OpenDaylight releases and their CBS repos, see the [OpenDaylight Deployment wiki][19].

This is only read when install_method is rpm.


To change the port on which OpenDaylight's northbound listens for REST API calls, use the odl_rest_port param.

class { 'opendaylight':
  odl_rest_port => '8080',

Log Verbosity

It's possible to define custom logger verbosity levels via the log_levels param.

class { 'opendaylight':
  log_levels => { 'org.opendaylight.ovsdb' => 'TRACE', 'org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib' => 'INFO' },


To enable ODL OVSDB HA, use the enable_ha flag. It's disabled by default.

When enable_ha is set to true the ha_node_ips should be populated with the IP addresses that ODL will listen on for each node in the OVSDB HA cluster and ha_node_index should be set with the index of the IP address from ha_node_ips for the particular node that puppet is configuring as part of the HA cluster.

class { 'opendaylight':
  enable_ha     => true,
  ha_node_ips   => ['', '', ''],
  ha_node_index => 0,



Public classes

  • ::opendaylight: Main entry point to the module. All ODL knobs should be managed through its params.

Private classes

  • ::opendaylight::params: Contains default opendaylight class param values.
  • ::opendaylight::install: Installs ODL from an RPM or tarball.
  • ::opendaylight::config: Manages ODL config, including Karaf features and REST port.
  • ::opendaylight::service: Starts the OpenDaylight service.




Sets the Karaf features to install by default. These should not normally need to be overridden.

Default: ['config', 'standard', 'region', 'package', 'kar', 'ssh', 'management']

Valid options: A list of Karaf feature names as strings.


Specifies Karaf features to install in addition to the defaults listed in default_features.

You will likely need to customize this to your use-case.

Default: []

Valid options: A list of Karaf feature names as strings.


Specifies the install method by which to install OpenDaylight.

The RPM install method is less complex, more frequently consumed and recommended.

Default: 'rpm'

Valid options: The strings 'tarball' or 'rpm'.


Specifies the port for the ODL northbound REST interface to listen on.

Default: '8080'

Valid options: A valid port number as a string or integer.


Custom OpenDaylight logger verbosity configuration.

Default: {}

Valid options: A hash of loggers to log levels.

{ 'org.opendaylight.ovsdb' => 'TRACE', 'org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib' => 'INFO' }

Valid log levels are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, and ERROR.

The above example would add the following logging configuration to /opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg.

# Log level config added by puppet-opendaylight = TRACE

# Log level config added by puppet-opendaylight = INFO

To view loggers and their verbosity levels, use log:list at the ODL Karaf shell.

Logger                     | Level
ROOT                       | INFO
org.opendaylight.ovsdb     | TRACE
org.opendaylight.ovsdb.lib | INFO

The main log output file is /opt/opendaylight/data/log/karaf.log.


Enable or disable ODL OVSDB High Availablity.

Default: false

Valid options: The boolean values true and false.

Requires: ha_node_ips, ha_node_index

The ODL OVSDB Clustering and Jolokia XML for HA are configured and enabled.


Specifies the IPs that are part of the HA cluster enabled by enable_ha.

Default: []

Valid options: An array of IP addresses ['', '', ''].

Required by: enable_ha


Specifies the index of the IP for the node being configured from the array ha_node_ips.

Default: ''

Valid options: Index of a member of the array ha_node_ips: 0.

Required by: enable_ha, ha_node_ips


Specifies the ODL tarball to use when installing via the tarball install method.

Default: ''

Valid options: A valid URL to an ODL tarball as a string.


Specifies the ODL systemd .service file to use when installing via the tarball install method.

It's very unlikely that you'll need to override this.

Default: ''

Valid options: A valid URL to an ODL systemd .service file (archived in a tarball) as a string.


Specifies the mode to use for security groups.

Default: stateful

Valid options: transparent, learn, statless


  • Tested on Fedora 22, 23, CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 14.04.
  • CentOS 7 is currently the most stable OS option.
  • The RPM install method is likely more reliable than the tarball install method.


We welcome contributions and work to make them easy!

See CONTRIBUTING.markdown for details about how to contribute to the OpenDaylight Puppet module.

Release Notes/Contributors

See the CHANGELOG or our git tags for information about releases. See our git commit history for contributor information.

[18]: OpenDaylight Beryllium CentOS CBS repo [19]: OpenDaylight RPMs and their repos


Puppet module for the OpenDaylight SDN controller.







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