A tool for extracting rating curves below a low-head dam. The current code is explicity set up to work with the ECMWF GEOGLOWS Streamflow Service datasets.
1a. Using Anaconda run:
conda create -n rathcelon_py310 python=3.10 pyarrow geopandas pandas netcdf4 dask fiona s3fs xarray zarr beautifulsoup4 dataretrieval geojson progress tqdm pygeos noise pillow=9.0.1 rasterio
1b. Alternatively, you can create an environment using conda and then get the libraries using pip
conda create -n rathcelon_py310 python=3.10
conda activate rathcelon_py310
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pyarrow geopandas pandas netCDF4 dask fiona s3fs xarray zarr beautifulsoup4 dataretrieval geojson progress tqdm pygeos noise pillow==9.0.1 rasterio
conda install -c conda-forge gdal
- Activate you conda environment with the command:
conda activate rathcelon_py310
- Install the Automated Rating Curve (ARC) Tool in your conda environment by downloading the source code, navigating to the local instance on your machine, and typing the command:
pip install .
- Now download this RathCelon repository and run this command from within RathCelon's local directory:
pip install .
- Type the followng command into the prompt to ensure everything is working and for additional guidance
rathcelon -h
RathCelon can be ran from a command prompt in two ways.
The first is by creating an input JSON file like the one below. Note that if you are on a PC, the \
in your path need to be changed to '/' in the JSON file:
"dams": [
"name": "272",
"dam_id_field": "BYU_SITE_ID",
"dam_id": 272,
"flowline": "C:/Users/jlgut/Downloads/streams_712.gpkg",
"dem_dir": "C:/Users/jlgut/OneDrive/Desktop/rathcelon_test_data/DEM",
"bathy_use_banks": false,
"output_dir": "C:/Users/jlgut/OneDrive/Desktop/rathcelon_test_data/Results",
"process_stream_network": true,
"find_banks_based_on_landcover": false,
"create_reach_average_curve_file": false
These inputs are:
"name": (str) The name of the dam you're analyzing
"dam_csv": (str) The path to the CSV containing the locations of the dams
"dam_id_field": (str) The field in the dam_csv that stores the dam unique identifiers
"dam_id": (int) The ID for this dam in the dam_id_field
"flowline": (str) The path to your flowline dataset that you downloaded from [GEOGLOWS](http://geoglows-v2.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/#streams/)
"dem_dir": (str) The path to the folder containing your digital elevation models (DEMs) for the dam
"bathy_use_banks": (true/false) Boolean indicating the option in ARC described [here](https://github.com/MikeFHS/automated-rating-curve/wiki/Estimating-Bathymetry-in-ARC#bank-or-water-surface-elevation)
"output_dir": (str) Path to where the outputs of your RathCelon output will be stored
"process_stream_network": (true/false) If true, RathCelon will take the flowline option and determine the local instance it will use to do its analysis. If false, the network has already been processed to find a local instance
"find_banks_based_on_landcover": (true/false) If true, the banks of the stream will be found using [this logic](https://github.com/MikeFHS/automated-rating-curve/wiki/Estimating-Bathymetry-in-ARC#discovering-the-waterfront). If false, ARC will look to find the banks by assuming that the stream is a flat surface in the DEM.
"create_reach_average_curve_file": (true/false): If true, RathCelon with direct ARC to generate a curve file that is the same for all stream cells on a stream reach. If false, RathCelon will direct ARC to generate a curve file that has a local curve for each stream cell.
To run with the JSON, issue the following command in you command line window:
rathcelon json "path\to\your\input.json"
You can also run RathCelon from the command line without the JSON.
This can be done by issueing the following command:
rathcelon cli name dam_csv dam_id_field dam_id flowline dem_dir output_dir --bathy_use_banks --process_stream_network --find_banks_based_on_landcover --create_reach_average_curve_file
Issuing the commands --bathy_use_banks
, --process_stream_network
, --find_banks_based_on_landcover
, and --create_reach_average_curve_file
indicates that those options are set to True.
In the output_dir you specify in your inputs, you will find a folder that is the name you specify in your inputs. In the name folder, will be several subfolders. The "VDT" folder contains the shapefiles {name}_Local_VDT_Database.shp and {name}_Local_CurveFile.shp. These will be the 3 nearest VDT database and curvefile stream cells that are 1, 2, and 3x the topwidth distance of the stream away from the dam. The top width was estimated using the 2yr discharge in the "output_dir/FLOW/{name}_Reanalysis.csv" file and finding the median for the stream reach on which the dam is located.
For a breakdown of the attributes in the curve file, see this wiki.