binary replace utility replaces text patterns inside all kinds of files, as well as inside path names
Download bire.exe from the release in GitHub.
Run the bire.exe using the following command:
bire -from C:\git\source -to C:\git\target -replace this=that Something=Anything
Replacements are made in file sources as well as file paths.
bire -from <directory-or-zip> [-to <target-directory-or-zip>][-replace<fields>]
[-clearTarget] [-skip <skip-extensions>] [-ignore <default | <ignore-regex>>]
or: bire -scaffold <directory> [-to <zip-target>] [-ignore <ignore-regex>]
<directory-or-zip> : existing directory or zip-file. it may contain a file named boilerplateinfo.json
<target-directory-or-zip> : target directory or zip-file. it is newly created
<fields> : space separated field-value pairs like {<fieldname>=<fieldvalue>}
all of these fields either override or fill up configured fields
in boilerplateinfo.json
-clearTarget : target is cleared before build
<skip-extensions> : space separated file extensions (dot included like.exe) that do not
need content processing but must be copied. Default is
.exe, .dll, .obj, .pdb, .zip, .nupkg
<ignore-regex> : regex that matches all file and directory names that must be ignored,
and not copied
-ignore default : equals "-ignore (.*(\.|\/|\\)(exe|dll|obj|bin|pdb|zip|\.git|\.vs|cache|packages))$"
-scaffold : when using -scaffold the source must be a directory and the optional
target must be a zip. When omitted then <target> gets the same name
as <directory> with extension .zip. <directory> must include the file
To get the bire.exe:
- Build the Console project.
- Run the ilmerge-bire.bat inside "Bire.Console\bin\Release" to build the exe file.