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This branch is 49 commits ahead of master.

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Hotnode incorporation checklist

  1. Did you change the hotnode address (node-X:50051) in cockroachdb pkg/server/server.go?

  2. Does that address match the one in your trial_<config_object_name>.py in self.hot_node?

  3. Did you change the hotkey threshold to be what you want in CRDB pkg/sql/conn_executor_prepare.go in isHotkey(key byte[])?

  4. Does that threshold match the one in trial_<config_object_name>.py in self.hot_node_threshold?

How to implement a new server-client test script on branch async_redo

  1. Copy src/async_config_object and name it trial_<whatever_you_want>.py. The .gitignore will ignore it.

    • Make sure you populate the fields under the #default comment.
    • Make sure all methods are correctly written, especially the part on populating server and client nodes. For example, are the nodes regioned? Does it matter?
    • Make sure generate_all_config_files() method is implemented.
    • Make sure the concurrency of the clients is always called "concurrency" (self.concurrency in ConfigObject)
  2. Change the fields you need to.

  3. Change config/async_lt.ini for latency-throughput.

  4. Implement to the interface of src/

    • When implementing aggregate_raw_logs() function, make sure to use the keys
      • throughput: "ops/sec(cum)"
      • p50: "p50(ms)"
      • p99: "p99(ms)" or the latency throughput graphs won't gnuplot at all
    • Make sure gnuplot is installed (apt install gnuplot-x11)
  5. Whatever you name your implementation from the previous step, change the line import async_server in src/ to import <whatever_you_implemented> as async_server

  6. Configure/implement the swath of functions at the head of src/ to match your needs.

    • Make sure the directory is correct. It's set to thermopylae_tests/scratch/db_{datetime} right now.
  7. From ~/thermopylae_tests directory, run python3 src/

How to implement new on branch async_redo

  1. Code to the interface of src/
  2. Replace import async_server with import <whatever_you_coded> as async_server
  3. From ~/thermopylae_tests dir, run python3 src/ --duration 30s --csv_location scratch/stabilizer --graph_location scratch/stabilizer

How to add your config

  1. Make a copy of src/ and name it trial_<whatever_you_want>.py. The .gitignore will ignore it in the directory.
  2. Change the fields that you need to. Add ones you need.
    • You may need to implement new functionality that goes along with any new fields.
  3. Determine what latency throughput files should match it (choose the range and step_size). See config/lt.ini for the default example.
  4. In src/, add your new trial_<whatever_you_want>.py file with the filepath of the latency throughput file to the configuration section. Remember to import the config object files in src/
  5. Make sure the sqlite database directory is what you want it to be (by default, it is set to to /proj/cops-PG0/workspaces/jl87)
  6. IMPORTANT: if any nodes have crashed, make sure to add their ip_enums as *args in enumerate_workload_nodes(...) and enumerate_warm_nodes(...). For example: enumerate_workload_nodes(driver_node_ip_enum, num_workload_nodes, 2, 5, 6) for node-1, node-4, and node-5. Don't forget to repeat for enumerate_warm_nodes(...).
  7. From the git root, run: ./src/

Need to Implement

  • Automatic start-up of chosen hotshard node.
  • Extracting of the cockroach commit in the copied parameter ini files instead of just the branch name, which may or may not exist at a further point in time.

Not Implemented

  • Partition affinity


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