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BlackBox: CakeSort's comparative benchmark test tool


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BlackBox: CakeSort's comparative benchmark test tool

This Program is a comparative benchmark of a Cake Sort implementation versus other segmented-sort algorithms.

However, BlackBox can be used to fit your C++-implemented algorithm-testing needs too.


The goal of this project is to provide a flexible C++ testing bed and benchmark opportunity for Cake Sort and competing algorithms. Each of the algorithms, or competing modules, is referred to as a black box.

There are technical requisites to the implementation of each black box, but for the main part, the basics are that in order to compare black boxes, each should be expose a Write, a Process and a Read callable interface, enabling the feeding of the input, the processing and the gathering of the data of the output, respectively.

The code is comprised of four different projects, three of which are library/header projects and the fourth is a Test program, designed to make use and to pose as an sample of each of the features of the ones before.

The first one, BlackBox.Core, has all the headers needed in order to test two or more deterministic black boxes side by side. All black boxes are run several times, one after the other, by batch, and then those batches repeated, in a collated form, as explained in below.

In second and third place, BlackBox.OpenCL and BlackBox.CUDA provide algorithmic implementations of black boxes that are to be run in OpenCL and CUDA, respectively. Both of these projects depend, code-wise, on BlackBox.Core.

Finally, BlackBox.Test provides an example of a benchmark program for CPU, OpenCL or CUDA algorithms, to pose and directly compare each and everyone, side by side, with multiple options and testing features available at runtime. In case a Nvidia graphics card is not available, or a user does not need to run a fully-fledged example, a way is given (nocuda), for Linux and Windows environments, both to compile and execute this program that does not depend on CUDA, hardware, SDK or headers, and thus does not use CUDA at all. Further explanation on how to do this is given below.

Cake Sort

Cake Sort is an algorithm designed to reduce the number of synchronizations required to sort a segmented sequence, that is, a sequence to be sorted by segments of variable length of regular items.

Applying Cake Sort, the number of synchronizations is reduced when compared to regular parallel sorting algorithms applied to segmented sequences in several ways, i.e. consecutive applications of a sorting algorithm to each segment, synchronous, one after the other, or applications in which each thread runs the sorting of a whole segment, asynchronously, applied in parallel -- henceforth given the names of iterated dispatch and parallel dispatch in both this documentation and code -- amongst others.

In parallel programming, a synchronization is the operation that awaits for the finalization of instructions, orders or commands in groups of concurrent or semi-concurrent threads. In a Graphics Processor Unit (GPU), synchronization typically refers to the set of all the threads that concurrently execute the same program in the whole device. The term may also refer to the synchronization of a single execution block, i.e. constrained to the threads in a Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) processor --or Streaming Multiprocessor (SM) in Nvidia nomenclature.

This discussion of Cake Sort, however, refers to the to whole grid synchronization, that is, synchronizations to sort a whole sequence of segments.

Benchmark methodology

Say, for instance, that black boxes a, b and c are to be compared with n iterations each, with n a large number, in order to better provide significant statistics. We characterize two main methods of execution order in a deterministic fashion each of the iterations of each of the black boxes.

One way is to run each black box n times, i.e. a, ..., a, then b, ..., b and c, ..., c. We call this first approach non-collated. Another way would be to run n batches of a, b, c, in collated order.

The collated approach minimizes two risks:

  1. Of any black box from being disproportionately affected by any sudden, short-lived and frequent activity popping of a third party process that competes for the system's resources, that is, CPU-bound, I/O-bound or any other short-spanned demanding activity, which would influence the results in a disadvantageous way to a single black box if run in batches of the same black box at a time.

  2. Of any black box of taking advantage of cached data, cache-locality, and other processing enhancements or optimizations that a hardware architecture may provide to take advantage of iterated pieces of code that are run in a quick, uninterrupted sequence. Is our belief that although many algorithms do make appropriate use of such hardware enhancements, a majority of black boxes would be executed in a production environment in real life in such a manner that those enhancements could not be applied outside of the algorithm-- a lower rate of cache hits and such-- hence, this methodology would overestimate the performance of such black box. This approach does not affect any kind of optimization to be applied intra-black box, that is, in an isolated execution of the algorithm, and therefore, does nothing to underestimate such.

As stated above, each black box exposes a Write, Process and Read callable. In each batch of the collated method, a set of data for input purposes is generated and then fed (via Write) to the input each black box. Once the feeding is done, a stopwatch starts ticking and Process is called synchronously. Once the control is returned from the callee, the clock is halted and the elapsed time of the iteration is recorded. The output of a black box is retrieved (via Read) and compared to a sample --ground truth-- result, previously generated by a known implementation.

How to build

The project can be built -- and has been tested both in Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10.

Instructions for Linux

If you are cloning from github:

git clone
cd cakesort
git submodule update --init

If you are downloading the ZIP file, it will also make sense to download moderngpu's zip file. After you have downloaded both files to the same (final) directory:

cp -r moderngpu cakesort/include/
cd cakesort

If executing make returns an error, be sure to check [dependencies](#build- dependencies-for-linux) and [troubleshooting](#build-troubleshooting-for- linux) below.

Instructions for Windows

If you are cloning from github:

  1. Execute the following on Windows' console from the desired directory:
    git clone
    cd cakesort
    git submodule update --init
  2. Open the appropriate Solution File.

If you are download the ZIP file, as for Linux, it will also make sense to download moderngpu's zip file. After you have downloaded both files to the same (final) directory:

  1. Extract the contents of both files to the same folder the ZIP files are in. Be careful not to select "extract to moderngpu" with the unzipping program program, instead choose "extract here".
  2. Copy moderngpu's uncompressed folder --resulting from the decompression-- to cakesort/include.
  3. Open the appropriate Solution File.

Build dependencies for Linux

On GNU/Linux environments all you need is:


  • One of:
    • g++ 5.x or latter
    • clang 4.x or latter
  • GNU Make or equivalent
  • boost::program_options 1.65 or latter
  • OpenCL Installable Client Driver (OpenCL ICD)


  • CUDA 9.x SDK or latter (to be able to compile tests written in CUDA, thus running all possible tests).

Other C++ compiler supported versions include:

  • g++ 7.x
  • clang 6.x

There are five main make targets, namely:

  1. all: produces a non-debug optimized binary with CUDA support. This is the default target for production.
  2. nocuda: produces a non-debug optimized binary with no CUDA support.
  3. debug: produces a debug non-optimized binary with CUDA support. This is the default target for debug purposes.
  4. debugnocuda: produces a debug non-optimized target with no CUDA support.
  5. clean: Cleans the clutter. Removes all of intermediary and final binary objects produced by previous runs of this version of Makefile. Produces nothing.

As the previous are in the same order as listed here in Makefile, if no argument is given to make, the first target will run, thus creating a finished production-ready build, as if make all was given.

All targets require OpenCL for C++, whose headers are included in the project for greater simplicity and version compatibility.

CUDA targets, namely all and debug, require having installed the CUDA SDK --known as cuda toolkit--, as mentioned above. Non-CUDA targets, are only CPU- and-OpenCL dependant, so those targets require only a proper OpenCL ICD installation. Usually ICDs provided by hardware vendors should be fine.

Furthermore, all debug targets do not capture Exceptions, while all non-debug do at several levels.

Binary objects' usual extension that are produced by a non-cuda build target (OpenCL only) is prefixed by .nocuda. In a similar fashion, all generated debug binary objects' usual extension is prefixed by .debug. All other objects, not affected by neither of these remain with the usual extensions, i.e., .o and .a.

The following table summarizes the behavior of Makefile for each main build target.

Target OpenCL CUDA Debug Info Optimized? Exceptions? Object ext Executable ext
all Enabled Enabled minimal Yes Handled .o .a
nocuda Enabled Disabled minimal Yes Handled .nocuda.o .nocuda.a
debug Enabled Enabled full No Unhandled .debug.o .debug.a
debugnocuda Enabled Disabled full No Unhandled .nocuda.debug.o .nocuda.debug

Build Troubleshooting for Linux

The most common build error, if any, you might have when first downloading this should be a broken dependencies issue.

So, first, make sure to be using the invoking the right tools in make time. Step by step:

  1. Make sure you are calling make on a device with CUDA toolkit and/or CUDA- enabled device.

    There is a point to be made calling nvcc (the CUDA compiler) from a non- CUDA-enabled device to build, and then just copying the resulting binary to another machine to execute, since this two processes are unrelated. But this might not be everyone's case. If this is your situation, you might want to a. Head over to CUDA's download page and download the appropriate file. b. Proceed through the installation instructions as listed for the file, but instead of installing cuda, just install cuda-toolkit-9-2, which does not include a client driver for the GPU, as follows:

    If you do not want to compile nor execute this project's CUDA code, just compile with nocuda or debugnocuda, passing one of those as arguments to make, i.e. make nocuda.

    For Ubuntu, Debian:

    sudo apt install cuda-toolkit-9-2

    For Fedora:

    sudo dnf install cuda-toolkit-9-2

    For OpenSuse, SLES:

    sudo zypper install cuda-toolkit-9-2

    For RHEL, CentOS :

    sudo yum install cuda-toolkit-9-2
  2. Make sure you are using a correct version of g++ or clang++

    g++ --version
    clang++ --version

    Should return a string with version information, or bash saying there is no such thing as that binary.

    If you have a g++ or clang++ installed, but it is a non-supported version, you might have to install a younger or older one, depending on the issue. Usually a younger, stable version is better.

    If, for any reason, no g++, or alternatively, no clang++ compiler can be installed on the system, head over to Makefile and change the corresponding CC variable to the other one, which just might have have compatible version on the system's package manager. Instructions to do so are below.

  3. Make sure you have installed a correct boost library.

    Install the whole boost lib

    From the system's package manager:

    For Ubuntu, Debian:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install libboost-dev

    For Fedora:

    sudo dnf clean all
    sudo dnf install <package-name>

    For OpenSuse, SLES:

    sudo zypper refresh
    sudo zypper install <package-name>

    For RHEL, CentOS :

    sudo yum clean
    sudo yum install <package-name>

    Just install just the boost's program-options library

    1. Substitute libboost-dev of the above commands with libboost-program-options-dev.

    Clone from github

    N.B. The whole download of repositories at time of writing this might be a little to much, since all-in the folder reaches 1.6 GB.

    git clone
    cd boost
    git submodule update --init

    Download from official website

    Head over to boost's official download page and download the corresponding .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 compressed file. At time of writing, it is a bit over 83MB compressed. Move the file to where you want to uncompress it. For instance, say you have just downloaded boost_1_67_0.tar.bz2:

    tar -xf boost_1_67_0.tar.bz2
    cd boost_1_67_0

    The uncompressed unbuilt folder is about 690MB.

    If you are cloning or downloading, then read the Getting Started guide for unix-variants, included in the downloaded file or on the web here.

How to install guides: Step by Step

Manually locate a missing compiler binary

Although your common use binaries might be placed on /usr/bin by default, some installations modes do not do comply with this behavior, and might put binaries in non-standard or more obscure places.

To manually locate the placement of any binary on the system, for instance g++:

Using find:

find / -name \*g++\* 2>/dev/null | xargs file | grep -i elf | awk -F':' '{print $1}'

Using locate (faster):

First, install mlocate:

For Ubuntu, Debian:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install mlocate

Then update and search

sudo updatedb
locate g++ | xargs file | grep -i elf | awk -F':' '{print $1}'

The update part can be skipped if no changes are presumed to have being made to the filesystem.

Set a default compiler version

If this is the case, then at least two versions of the same compiler are installed on the system, but the path on the shell is only configured to call one by default (the one that lives on /usr/bin, usually).

Since you might not have "sudo powers", or access to root in any way, you might not have any way to alter the symbolic link of the compiler on the default binary folder.

There are other reasons why you might not want to change it: to keep the things the way they are, i.e. not to alter the default g++ or clang++ compiler version being called user-wide or system-wide, that could brake other projects whose code depends on a specific version. That said, if you do have "sudo powers", and are aware of the latter, you might want to set a default recommended version:

For Ubuntu, Debian, for g++ 7.x:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install g++-7
sudo rm /usr/bin/g++
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/g++-7 /usr/bin/g++

Just change the package name for any other version or compiler, i.e. clang-<version>. For any other system, do as Install the whole boost lib, with the correct compiler's package name.

N.B. Although clang++ is the compiler binary, clang-X.Y is the Ubuntu package.

Direct make to a specific compiler binary

Open Makefile on the project's folder with your preferred text editor. Let's call that vi.

In order to amend the nvcc's binary path:

  1. Open the file. To edit with vi, it is as simple as:
    vi Makefile   
  2. Locate a line that begins with CUDAPATH. On vi, that task is accomplished by typing:
    and then hitting return.
  3. Change the string to the right side of := that finishes with the line --what's after the := until line end-- to the main cuda installation folder (which is the one that contains bin/nvcc). On vi, position the caret after the assignment symbol := with the arrow keys. Then hit:
    which puts the editor on insert mode, delete the lines with backspace or delete keys, and type the correct path.
  4. Save the work. On vi, that's done hitting escape, then typing:
    and hitting enter. If you have just messed up the file, and do not want to save what's left, hit escape, but instead type:
    and begin from step 1.

Build dependencies for Windows

Windows is not the recommended environment to build the targets. Thus, it is barely supported by the author.

That said, if you are feeling brave enough you can try building the provided solution files for Visual Studio in Windows. That being the case, the following is required:


  • Any Visual Studio, community or otherwise, that supports C++ 14 or enough extensions of it, as required by the project, with corresponding Windows SDK version being compatible to that of the Visual Studio version installed.
  • boost::program_options 1.65 or latter
  • OpenCL Installable Client Driver (OpenCL ICD)
  • OpenCL.lib from some SDK provider.


  • CUDA 9.x SDK or better.

Although recent Visual Studios, beginning at the 2015 edition, provide a way of managing a project through Makefile, is our feeling that it is not the correct approach for portability, and a more native method should be used instead. Hence, two native and platform appropriate Visual Studio Solutions (.sln) are provided.

Solution one, BlackBox-vs<version>.sln reaches four different projects, of which three are configured as libraries and the fourth is compiled to produce an executable. Those are BlackBox.Core, BlackBox.OpenCL, BlackBox.CUDA and BlackBox.Test, the same four projects described in Abstract . A second solution, BlackBox-vs<version>-nocuda.sln, provides support for the nocuda version of the project, which is for those who would like to compile and run the project's BlackBox.Test benchmark program without CUDA-enabled hardware or CUDA SDK. It comprises the projects BlackBox.Core, BlackBox.OpenCL and BlackBox.Test. Each solution is provided to a number of current Visual Studio versions, i.e., "vs2015" and "vs2017".


BlackBox (hereinafter the "Program") and CakeSort are copyrighted software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (hereinafter the "GPL"). All rights remain with its author.

   BlackBox is Copyright (C) 2018 Juan Carlos Pujol Mainegra
   CakeSort is Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Juan Carlos Pujol Mainegra

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
   Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
   FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
   more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
   with this program (see the file COPYING); if not, write to the Free
   Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
   02110-1301  USA

Some third-party source code used is available from its respective authors under a more permissive license.

See full license details at and COPYING files.