A simple web-based linux system monitor based on sample GNU/Linux application from chapter 11 of Advanced Linux Programming by Mark Mitchell, Jeffrey Oldham, and Alex Samuel (2001).
Additional modules will be added and html improved and styled with modern css as a final project for edX cs50.
Usage: ./server [ options ]
-a, --address ADDR Bind to local address (by default, bind to all local addresses).
-h, --help Print this information.
-m, --module-dir DIR Load modules from specified directory (by default, use executable directory).
-p, --port PORT Bind to specified port.
-v, --verbose Print verbose messages.
Modules are viewed in browser at localhost:PORT/MODULE
- separate html head, etc, into html.h file for DRY-er html code (Complete!)
- finish styling for modules (Complete!)
- add a home page (Complete!)
- see about adding a navigation bar (Complete!)
- add nav buttons to footer (Complete!)
- clean up and separate nav-bar generation (future)
- separate and clean up other html generation (future)
License Note: The code this project is adapted from appears to be covered by the GPL version 2, which I suppose implies the code in this repository is also covererd by GPL version 2.