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Machine-learning Assessed Rapid Geodetic Earthquake model

A deep-learning based mega-earthquake magnitude predictor. Details can be found in:

  • Lin, J. T., Melgar, D., Thomas, A. M., & Searcy, J. (2021). Early warning for great earthquakes from characterization of crustal deformation patterns with deep learning. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2021JB022703.

1. Installation

cd to the place where you want to put the source code

cd Your_Local_Path  
git clone


Go to your environval variable file (.base_profile or .bashrc)

vi ~/.bashrc  


vi ~/.bash_profile      

and add the following line in the file


2. Generating rupture and seismic waveforms data

Earthquake scenario and synthetic seismic waves are based on the below methods

  • Melgar, D., LeVeque, R. J., Dreger, D. S., & Allen, R. M. (2016). Kinematic rupture scenarios and synthetic displacement data: An example application to the Cascadia subduction zone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(9), 6658-6674.

  • Melgar, D., Crowell, B. W., Melbourne, T. I., Szeliga, W., Santillan, M., & Scrivner, C. (2020). Noise characteristics of operational real‐time high‐rate GNSS positions in a large aperture network. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(7), e2019JB019197.

You can make your own rupture scenarios and waveforms. The Mudpy source code can be downloaded HERE

Or download the example data directly from Data

3. Run M-LARGE training

Before running the M-LARGE, make sure you have data following Mudpy's structure


For example, this is my data structure for rupture scenarios

In this case:

*home_directory is the absolute path before the Chile (e.g. /Users/timlin/Test_MLARGE/)
*project_name is Chile
*output, ruptures and waveforms should be exactly the name output; ruptures; waveforms

Make a project directory

mkdir Project_Name
cd Project_Name
cp YOUR_PATH_MARGE/example/ . #copy example file to your project directory

Change all the paths in the file

home = PATH_To_Project_Name  #without the project name
project_name = Project_Name_For_Data  #for data, not the Project_Name above
run_name = Prepend_Name

Check the above path by testing in python


These should point you to the right directory to .rupt/.log and waveforms directory.
The rupt files are named in run_name.xxxxxx.rupt.

Below shows the variables in the control file and their corresponding meaning

Variable Name Meaning
save_data_from_FQ True/False- Write E/N/Z.npy data and STFs from the above waveforms/ruptures directories
gen_list True/False- Generate data path for later training
gen_EQinfo True/False- Read above rupture files and generate rupture information file
tcs_samples Array of the time for ENZ and STF
outdir_X Output directory name for E/N/Z.npy
outdir_y Output directory name for STF
out_list Prepended output name for E/N/Z/STF list file
out_EQinfo Output name for rupture information
GFlist Path of GFlist that used to generate rupture scenarios
Sta_ordering Path of station ordering file (keep always the same order while in training/prediction)

Then set the training parameters:

        'BS':128, #Batch Size for training
        'BS_valid':1024, #validation batch size
        'BS_test':8192, #batch size for testing
        'scales':[0,1], #(x-scaels[0])/scales[1] #Not scale here, but scale in the function by log10(X)
        'Testnum':'00', #Note use string
        'FlatY':False, #using flat labeling?
        'NoiseP':0.0, #possibility of noise event
        'Noise_level':[1,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90], #GNSS noise level
        'rm_stans':[0,115], #remove number of stations from 0~115
        'Min_stan_dist':[4,3], #minumum 4 stations within 3 degree
        'Loss_func':'mse', #can be default loss function string or self defined loss

The model architecture is fixed and can only be modified inside the function

After setting, start training by setting:

#In file 



The trainning model should be saved in the "Testnum" directory

4. Test M-LARGE performance

Now test the model by testing dataset

#In file 

and set the inputs

Variable Name Meaning
Model_path Path of your model. Load example model by setting Model_path='Lin2020'
X Scaled/unscaled features in dimension of [samples,timesteps,Nfeatures]
y Labels in dimension of [samples,timesteps,1]
scale_X A scaling function f, so that f(X) is ready for training, if X is already scaled, pass a dummy function.
back_scale_X A backward scaling function bf, so that bf(X') is X
scale_y Same as X but scaling function for label
back_scale_y Same as X but scaling function for label

Finally, test the model by:

>>import mlarge.scaling as scale
>>f = lambda a:a
>>M = mlarge_model.Model(Model_path,X,y,f,scale.back_scale_X,f,scale.back_scale_y) #load model as M
>>M.predict() #make prediction
>>print(M.predictions) # predicted Mw time series
>>print(M.real) #the real Mw

#calculate model accuracy with +-0.3 threshold
>>print('Mean model accuracy is {:.2f}%'.format(M.sav_acc.mean())) #model accuracy 

Mean model accuracy is 97.38%

Note that the accuracy is low at the begining (i.e. 30 sec) and then increases when more data available.
Print all the model accuracy as a function of time.

#plot the accuracy as a function of time