CometChat Android Demo app (built using CometChat Pro) is a fully functional messaging app capable of one-on-one (private) and group messaging. The app enables users to send text and multimedia messages like audio, video, images, documents.
Simply Clone the project from android-java-chat-app repository and open in Android Studio. Build the Demo App and it will be ready to Run
To Run to sample App you have to do the following changes by Adding ApiKey and AppId
Open the Project in Android Mode in Android Studio
Go to Under java --> com\inscripts\cometchatpulse\demo --> Contracts --> StringContract
Under class
go to staticclass
modify APP_ID and API_KEY with your own ApiKey and AppId
public static final String APP_ID = "XXXXXXXXX";
public static final String API_KEY = "XXXXXXXXX";
You can Obtain your APP_ID and API_KEY from CometChat-Pulse Dashboard
For more information read CometChat-Pulse Android SDK Documentation
Feel free to make Pull Request.