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Nix package for the Effekt programming language

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A comprehensive Nix flake for the Effekt programming language.


  • pre-packaged Effekt compiler releases for all platforms supported by Nixpkgs, and for any subset of Effekt's backends
  • building the Effekt compiler from source or from a GitHub Release
  • pre-made development shells with Effekt compiler releases and for Effekt compiler development
  • Nix toolchain to build, test, and package apps written in Effekt

Quick Start

I want to quickly run Effekt!

Great! Here's how you run the latest released version of Effekt:

# run Effekt REPL
nix run github:jiribenes/effekt-nix

# run the latest version of the Effekt compiler on a file (with default backend)
nix run github:jiribenes/effekt-nix -- file.effekt

# run the latest version of the Effekt compiler on a file with the LLVM backend
nix run github:jiribenes/effekt-nix -- --backend llvm file.effekt

# run a specific version of the Effekt compiler
nix run github:jiribenes/effekt-nix#effekt_0_3_0 -- --help

I want to quickly play with Effekt!

Sure, let's get you a devshell in which you can just call effekt then:

# a shell with the latest Effekt version
nix develop github:jiribenes/effekt-nix

# a shell with a specific Effekt version
nix develop github:jiribenes/effekt-nix#effekt_0_3_0

# ADVANCED: a shell for developing the Effekt compiler
nix develop github:jiribenes/effekt-nix#compilerDev

You can use this -- for example -- for benchmarking or for working with LSP support in VSCode.

I want to quickly install Effekt on my machine!

Alright, let's install Effekt on your machine so that you can call effekt at any time:

# install latest version of Effekt
nix profile install github:jiribenes/effekt-nix

I want to quickly build Effekt on my machine!

... okay, I guess? ...

# builds the latest version of Effekt
nix build github:jiribenes/effekt-nix

The result of the build is in the result/ folder (the binary is in result/bin/).

I want to create a new Effekt project!

You can use this Nix flake directly, but there's also a full template with CI available in jiribenes/effekt-template.

Example: packaging an app written in Effekt

  inputs.effekt-nix.url = "github:jiribenes/effekt-nix";
  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, effekt-nix }:
      system = "x86_64-linux"; # or "aarch64-darwin" if you're on a M1
      pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
      effekt-lib = effekt-nix.lib.${system};

      # You can set a fixed Effekt version and your supported backends here:
      effektVersion = "0.3.0";
      backends = with effekt-lib.effektBackends; [ js llvm ];
    in {
      # A package for your Effekt project
      packages.${system}.default = effekt-lib.buildEffektPackage {
        pname = "my-effekt-project";
        version = "1.0.0";
        src = ./.;               # Path to your Effekt project
        main = "./main.effekt";  # the main Effekt file to run

        inherit effektVersion backends;

      # Development shell for your project
      devShell.${system}.default = effekt-lib.mkDevShell {
        inherit effektVersion backends;

Here's a breakdown of buildEffektPackage's arguments:

  • pname: The name of your package.
  • version: The version of your package.
  • src: The source directory of your Effekt project.
  • main: The main Effekt file to compile.
  • tests: (Optional) A list of test files to run during the build process.
  • effekt: (Optional) A specific Effekt derivation to use. If not provided, it uses the version specified by effektVersion.
  • effektVersion: The version of Effekt to use (defaults to the latest version).
  • backends: A list of backends to compile your project with. The first backend in the list is considered the default.
  • buildInputs: (Optional) Additional build inputs required for your package.

The function will compile your project with all specified backends and create a binary for each. It also sets up a symbolic link to the default backend's binary under the pname.

effekt-nix also supports multiple platforms. Use flake-utils and its flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (or alternatives) to define outputs for multiple systems at the same time.

Using a custom Effekt compiler build for your app

  inputs.effekt-nix.url = "github:jiribenes/effekt-nix";
  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, effekt-nix }:
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
      effekt-lib = effekt-nix.lib.${system};
      # Define your own Effekt build from source:
      myCustomEffekt = effekt-lib.buildEffektFromSource {
        # ... by defining the path to your compiler source here:
        src = ./path/to/effekt/compiler/source;
        backends = with effekt-lib.effektBackends; [ js llvm ];
    in {
      packages.${system}.default = effekt-lib.buildEffektPackage {
        pname = "my-custom-effekt-project";
        version = "1.0.0";
        src = ./.;                           # Path to your Effekt project
        main = "./src/main.effekt";          # path to the entrypoint
        tests = [ "./src/mytest.effekt" ];   # path to the tests

        effekt = myCustomEffekt;

      devShell.${system}.default = effekt-lib.mkDevShell {
        effekt = myCustomEffekt;


Contributions of all kinds are very welcome, feel free to just create a PR.

We would especially welcome contributions fixing the various issues this project has and/or with the WIP PRs that aren't done yet.


Nix package for the Effekt programming language







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