is a Single Page Realtime Application.
Use login:
and password: 123456
# Install dependecies
npm install
composer install
# Prepare enviroment variables
cp .env.example .env # Copy configuration file
php artisan key:generate # Generate unique key
# Update .env file with Pusher key
Create/Login account in to get a key
# Migrate database
php artisan migrate --seed # Create Table Schema and seed sample data
php artisan passport:install # Install Passport
- Fully separate Backend and Frontend
- Material design
- Authentication based on Laravel Passport
- CRUD data
- Realtime Notification on CRUD
- Laravel Passport API Authentication
- Vue.js The Progressive JavaScript Framework
- Pusher API for Realtime Application
- Vuetify Frontend Framework
- Vuex State management pattern + library for Vue.js
- Vue-Router Router library for Vue.js
- Axios HTTP client