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First of all, massive credit to fvyshfinkle for helping me with this project. This project would not be where it is today without his help.

The current state of the engine is not final. This is an older build meant for demonstration purposes.

Currently, rendering is only supported using Advanced Peripherals augmented reality glasses. I do have plans to include plethora's goggles and also base computer craft monitors / terminal, but those will come once the engine is in a more finalized state.

Currently the "scratch" engine is split up into 3 files:

Engine: This is a demo of the API in use.

3D_Tools: The back end of the engine. This handles all the math that 3D rendering involves. I can only recommend changing the object creation functions. Seriously, play around with those a little bit. The easiest thing to change is the color palette. Check out the tables used to store location data, rotations, stuff like that. That's how you'd animate or otherwise manipulate the objects once you've loaded them into an object list.

AR_Tools: Closer to the front end of the engine. This handles breaking up triangles to rasterize, and actually draws them. I can't recommend messing with anything in here unless you are

porting it to some other display.

Function documentation:

3D Tools:
screenTransform( objectData, display )
This handles the 3D matrix multiplication for manipulating objects. 
  An objects data table. Look at the newCube() function in 3D tools to see what this looks like.
  Your output screen's resolution in a `variable = { x = width *0.5, y = height *0.5 }` format.
Returns the default data of their corresponding object.
  Recommended variables to change:
drawWireObj( arController,iL,vL,cL )
draws a wireframe object
  the handle you wrapped the ARcontroller or equivalent as.
      ( thing = peripheral.find("arController") --`thing` would be what you pass into the function as the arController )
   index list. This is in included in an objects default data. Pass that in for the relevant object
  vertice list. This is returned from the screenTransform() function. It contains every transformed vertice, 
  as well as a back face culling flag list.
  a color list. This is included in an objects default data. Pass that in for the relevant object

drawSolidObj(  arController,iL,vL,cL )
Draws a solid object using the provided color list.
  uses the same inputs as the wireframe function.

Example uses for every function: See the ScratchEngine.Lua in the scratch engine folder


A 3d rendering API for Advanced Peripherals







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