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Home > decentraland-ecs > Quaternion

Quaternion class

Class used to store quaternion data,_rotation,_scaling


Property Access Modifier Type Description
eulerAngles Vector3 Sets the euler angle representation of the rotation.
Identity Quaternion Creates an identity quaternion
length number Gets length of current quaternion
lengthSquared number Gets length of current quaternion
normalized Quaternion Converts this quaternion to one with the same orientation but with a magnitude of 1.
w number defines the fourth component (1.0 by default)
x number defines the first component (0 by default)
y number defines the second component (0 by default)
z number defines the third component (0 by default)


Method Access Modifier Returns Description
constructor(x, y, z, w) Creates a new Quaternion from the given floats
Angle(quat1, quat2) number Returns the angle in degrees between two rotations a and b.
angleAxis(degress, axis) Quaternion
AreClose(quat0, quat1) boolean Checks if the two quaternions are close to each other
asArray() number[] Copy the quaternion to an array
clone() Quaternion Clone the current quaternion
conjugate() Quaternion Conjugates in place (1-q) the current quaternion
conjugateInPlace() Quaternion Conjugates in place (1-q) the current quaternion
conjugateToRef(ref) Quaternion Conjugates (1-q) the current quaternion and stores the result in the given quaternion
copyFrom(other) Quaternion Copy a quaternion to the current one
copyFromFloats(x, y, z, w) Quaternion Updates the current quaternion with the given float coordinates
Dot(left, right) number Returns the dot product (float) between the quaternions "left" and "right"
equals(otherQuaternion) boolean Check if two quaternions are equals
Euler(x, y, z) Quaternion Returns a rotation that rotates z degrees around the z axis, x degrees around the x axis, and y degrees around the y axis.
FromArray(array, offset) Quaternion Creates a new quaternion from data stored into an array
FromEulerAnglesRef(x, y, z, result) void Creates a new quaternion from a set of euler angles and stores it in the target quaternion
fromRotationMatrix(matrix) Quaternion Updates the current quaternion from the given rotation matrix values
FromRotationMatrix(matrix) Quaternion Creates a new quaternion from a rotation matrix
FromRotationMatrixToRef(matrix, result) void Updates the given quaternion with the given rotation matrix values
FromToRotation(from, to) Quaternion Creates a rotation which rotates from fromDirection to toDirection.
getClassName() string Gets the class name of the quaternion
getHashCode() number Gets a hash code for this quaternion
Hermite(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, amount) Quaternion Interpolate between two quaternions using Hermite interpolation
Inverse(q) Quaternion Inverse a given quaternion
IsIdentity(quaternion) boolean Gets a boolean indicating if the given quaternion is identity
LookRotation(forward, up) Quaternion Creates a rotation with the specified forward and upwards directions.
multiply(q1) Quaternion Multiplies two quaternions
multiplyInPlace(q1) Quaternion Updates the current quaternion with the multiplication of itself with the given one "q1"
multiplyToRef(q1, result) Quaternion Sets the given "result" as the the multiplication result of the current one with the given one "q1"
normalize() Quaternion Normalize in place the current quaternion
RotateTowards(from, to, maxDegreesDelta) Quaternion The from quaternion is rotated towards to by an angular step of maxDegreesDelta.
RotationAlphaBetaGamma(alpha, beta, gamma) Quaternion Creates a new quaternion from the given Euler float angles expressed in z-x-z orientation
RotationAlphaBetaGammaToRef(alpha, beta, gamma, result) void Creates a new quaternion from the given Euler float angles expressed in z-x-z orientation and stores it in the target quaternion
RotationAxis(axis, angle) Quaternion Creates a quaternion from a rotation around an axis
RotationAxisToRef(axis, angle, result) Quaternion Creates a rotation around an axis and stores it into the given quaternion
RotationQuaternionFromAxis(axis1, axis2, axis3) Quaternion Creates a new quaternion containing the rotation value to reach the target (axis1, axis2, axis3) orientation as a rotated XYZ system (axis1, axis2 and axis3 are normalized during this operation)
RotationQuaternionFromAxisToRef(axis1, axis2, axis3, ref) void Creates a rotation value to reach the target (axis1, axis2, axis3) orientation as a rotated XYZ system (axis1, axis2 and axis3 are normalized during this operation) and stores it in the target quaternion
RotationYawPitchRoll(yaw, pitch, roll) Quaternion Creates a new quaternion from the given Euler float angles (y, x, z)
RotationYawPitchRollToRef(yaw, pitch, roll, result) void Creates a new rotation from the given Euler float angles (y, x, z) and stores it in the target quaternion
scale(value) Quaternion Multiplies the current quaternion by a scale factor
scaleAndAddToRef(scale, result) Quaternion Scale the current quaternion values by a factor and add the result to a given quaternion
scaleInPlace(value) Quaternion Multiplies in place the current quaternion by a scale factor
scaleToRef(scale, result) Quaternion Scale the current quaternion values by a factor and stores the result to a given quaternion
set(x, y, z, w) Quaternion Updates the current quaternion from the given float coordinates
setEuler(x, y, z) Quaternion Updates the current quaternion from the given euler angles
setFromToRotation(from, to, up) void Creates a rotation which rotates from fromDirection to toDirection.
Slerp(left, right, amount) Quaternion Interpolates between two quaternions
SlerpToRef(left, right, amount, result) void Interpolates between two quaternions and stores it into a target quaternion
subtract(other) Quaternion Subtract two quaternions
toEulerAnglesToRef(result, order) Quaternion Sets the given vector3 "result" with the Euler angles translated from the current quaternion
toRotationMatrix(result) Quaternion Updates the given rotation matrix with the current quaternion values
Zero() Quaternion Creates an empty quaternion