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Simple wrapper around Zoho CRM version2, using OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication.

This gem reads your Module configuration and builds the corresponding classes for you, using some reflection mechanisms. You should then be able to use simple classes with an API close to ActiveRecord, to do CRUD operations.

NOTE: this gem is WIP, please try to use it and open an issue if you run into limitations / problems


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'zoho_hub'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install zoho_hub

Setup process

1. Register your application

If you want to access your Zoho CRM account from your application you first need to create your application as described here:

TODO TODO - explain "Authorized redirect URIs"

This will give you a Client ID and a secret, that you'll use in the next step.

2. Authorization

2.1 Configure ZohoHub with your credentials

You need to have a configuration block like the one below (in rails add a zoho_hub.rb in your config/initializers dir):

ZohoHub.configure do |config|
  config.client_id    = 'YOUR_ZOHO_CLIENT_ID' # obtained in 1.
  config.secret       = 'YOUR_ZOHO_SECRET'    # obtained in 1.
  config.redirect_uri = 'YOUR_ZOHO_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL'
  # config.debug      = true # this will be VERY verbose, but helps to identify bugs / problems

Note: if you don't know what the redirect_url is then TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO

2.1.1 Configuring for use with a single Zoho CRM database

You can add the following to your zoho_hub.rb initializer if you will only be integrating with a single Zoho CRM account:

  if crm = YOUR_AUTHENTICATION_MODEL.zohocrm_scope.first
      access_token: crm.token,
      expires_in: crm.expires_in,
      refresh_token: crm.refresh_token,
      api_domain: '' # Only needed if using Zoho CRM in North America
    ZohoHub.on_refresh do |params|
      # Perform logic to refresh access token and persist the data
      # to the existing record
      api_client = YOUR_AUTHENTICATION_MODEL.zohocrm_scope.first
        access_token: api_client.token,
        refresh_token: api_client.refresh_token,
        api_domain: ''

2.2 Authorization request

In order to access data in Zoho CRM you need to authorize ZohoHub to access your account. To do so you have to request a specific URL with the right scope and access_type.

To get the right URL you can use this simple line of code:

# => ",ZohoCRM.settings.all,ZohoCRM.modules.contacts.all,ZohoCRM.modules.all"

If you request this generated URL you should see a screen like this one, where you have to click on "Accept":

You can change the default scope (what data can be accessed by your application). This is the list provided as the default scope:


To get the URL for a different scope you can provide a scope argument:

ZohoHub::Auth.auth_url(scope: ['ZohoCRM.modules.custom.all', 'ZohoCRM.modules.all'])
# => ",ZohoCRM.modules.all"

2.3 Offline access

By design the access tokens returned by the OAuth flow expire after a period of time (1 hour by default), as a safety mechanism. This means that any application that wants to work with a user's data needs the user to have recently gone through the OAuth flow, aka be online.

When you request offline access the Zoho API returns a refresh token. Refresh tokens give your application the ability to request data on behalf of the user when the user is not present and in front of your application.

By default ZohoHub::Auth.auth_url will request offline access

You can force "online" access by using #auth_url with a access_type argument:

ZohoHub::Auth.auth_url(access_type: 'online')
# => ",ZohoCRM.settings.all,ZohoCRM.modules.contacts.all,ZohoCRM.modules.all"

3. Generate Access Token


4. Refreshing Access Token


Extending the Default API

The base APIs do not provide lots of functionality, especially if your CRM data has several custom fields. It is easiest to define what your models appear as on Zoho CRM. The Zoho CRM API v2 docs provide information about their naming conventions, which ZohoHub should handle gracefully. If some fields have strange names, or names that don't make sense (this can be common with existing CRM databases) they can be corrected through the use of the attribute_translation method.

For example:

class MyAccount < ZohoHub::Account
  attributes :id, :account_name
  attributes :billing_contact_name, :billing_city, :billing_code, :billing_country
  attributes :shipping_contact, :shipping_phone

    # class attribute name => zoho crm attribute name
    shipping_contact: :Main_Contact_Name,
    shipping_phone: :Phone,
    billing_contact_name: :BillingContactName


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Zoho CRM API V2 Wrapper







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