Discord Bot
python 2.7 must be installed
visual studio 2015 must be installed if running on windows
npm config set msvs_version 2015 --global
run npm install
Requires a config.json and a credentials.json file
"token": "<Discord bot token>",
"room": "<Name of room to listen for commands>",
"memberRole": "<Role of members that can use bot>",
"sheetID": "<id of google sheet for SMH>",
"totalRange": "<Range of the cell that contains weekly total>",
"idCell": "<Cell to insert ID for individual total>",
"individualTotalCell": "<Cell to retrieve individual total>",
"summaryIDCell": "<Cell to insert ID for summary>",
"summaryRange": "<Range of cells containing summary info>",
"warChannelID": "<ID of war channel>",
"attendanceSheetID": "<id of google sheet containing attendance>",
"modRole": "<Role of members that can use attendance function>",
"IDTable": "<Range of mapping of ID to name>",
"attendanceRange": "<Range of cells containing attendance info>"
credentials.json is avaliable by creating a new GCP project and adding OAuth2 credentials